
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Few Highlights, Photos & Vid from Hyun Joong's Lotte Duty Free Fan Meeting 10.13.12

Today, 13th of October at Hyun Joong just had his 3rd Lotte Duty Free Fan Meeting in Seoul with his Henecia Japanese fans.  I still have not seen any clear photos so I will just be sharing first some of the hightlights and will just add to this blog post photos and videos from the event if there are any.

So, here are few of the highlights from the fan meeting from @startomo re-tweeted by @lafone060. Bunch of thanks to you guys for keeping us updated.
  • After singing "Let Me Be The One", Hyun Joong said "I understand that you have been having the same feeling as mine. I sang this, hoping that it will be a song to remember for you. Good songs will stay in everyone's heart. Though I did not have courage to sing this (or SS501 numbers?), I feel encouraged by your cheers. So I will be able to sing more in future. Please tell me which number (SS501 ) you want me to sing." (*Some fans were crying while listening to "Let Me Be The One)
  • HJ said "Autum has come, now winter is around the corner.... if you don't have a boyfriend, please make it sure to find one. I will also find a girlfriend ! But today, I will be your man, only today (in Japanese) " He showed another glimpse of a mischievous guy.
  • HJ asked fans to sing "I'm your woman" at the end of the song "I'm your man". But some of the fans sang by mistake "I'm your man" He reminded fans by gesture to sing once again in a correct way (lol) He said "As you just arrived in Seoul, you must have forgotton your gender" ^^ (lol) (*At Budokan, after fan's singing " I'm your woman ", Hyun Joong closed the song by singing " I'm your man too " So sweet he was !) 
  • During talk session, Hyun Joong said that he had gotten a scuba diving license recently. He said that he conqurer the sea! "In Korea, there is no shark " ... lol He will upload the picture in the internet. He also said "While going under the sea, I thought that this is the place I should come together with the girl I love " Then he continued to the topic"With autumn season now, winter is around the corner. You have to find a boyfriend .... " 
  • "Please" with piano accompaniment. He said "I recorded this song under massive pressure before I made a solo debut. This is the first song recorded for the first album. I would like to show you the process of recording" It seems that he practiced the melody of "Please" with piano and he presented how the song had been completed to the final one. So touching & fantastic.

Read somewhere that Hyun Joong sang 'Creep' once again. In the fan meeting there were games played and that there was no dancing from him.

For pictures of him getting scuba diving training and showing his certificate, here are photos shared earlier by Hyunniversal0606 on Twitter.

I have seen some photos but I am really quite apprehensive to share them since I really only want to see HQ photos of Hyun Joong.

Anyway, I am shoving here now photos that I lifted from the Baidu blog account of MurdererQ. Again, BIG thanks for the wonderful photos of Hyun Joong.

Please DO NOT edit photos of MurdererQ.  Btw, if you want to see her video, you may also check her Baidu blog by clicking HERE.

※재업로드,2차 변형 금지!!!

Now, here is a fancam from of Hyun Joong singing SS501's 'Let Me Be The One'. Thanks again to veggiedelight for the email.


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Some fans cried when he sang let me be the one. So sad...i would too. The song really brings back memories of the five during their happy days. Things will never be the same again....

  2. Anonymous8:54 PM

    i'm so happy to know that leader singing let me be the one ^^
    oh leader,i really love Please and I'm your Man ;)

  3. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Sweeeeeet my Hyun Joong! I heard 1,500 fans were there fly from TOKYO. So big bus count which take JP fans start 1 to 40. Hyun Joong always make me surprised. Keke

  4. Thnak you Leader. In any articles of Hyun Joong, I will refer to him as his own name but this time he is Leader b'coz he pay his part as SS501. I thought he would never sing their old songs in his concerts since he got so many cool songs to give to his fans but he really did it. Other SS501 members would sing their old song once in a while for their fans and this is the first time I heard Leader did it. Bravo Leader and Im grateful.

  5. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Oh my, I would be emotional as well with Let Me Be The One, a reminder that SS501 is close to our hearts, abd HJL's. I would be wishing the whole SS501 were singing it together.
