
Monday, October 29, 2012

Photos & Highlights of Hyun Joong's Recording for Happy Camp 10.28.12

I have seen these photos last night but was already sleepy to post while the whole day today, I was sort of busy doing a lot of stuff.

Though late, I am still shoving these here. Following photos were lifted from HUNANTV.

Photos are teaser already of what is in store for us on the 10th of November. Exciting, yah? After the photos, you will be able to read some of highlights translated and shared on Twitter by @baebb from Weibo last night. Heaps of thank you BB!

  • at the start of recording, HJ was talking about something about korea. he was talking about it quite seriously too. the interpreter was having a hard time interpreting HJ's words... coz she was so tickled by HJ! she was so obviosly amused as she was interpreting for him...the more tickled she was, the more serious HJ was #^.^# his 'point' about the sharing was really an unusual one too, definitely not something an average person would see or conclude... HJ's really very very very adorable! ahhh, time passed way too quickly! 转自薇薇_hyun微博
  • HJ's interpreter on Happy Camp has posted on weibo about today's recording. here goes...As an interpreter,, I'd never ever burst out laughing on stage before! Breaking down... Am seriously sorry towards U:zoosin... Gotta reflect and do a self-check...(bb: i suppose she's feeling bad about not being able compose herself and hold her amusement... but fans have been very sweet, leaving her encouraging replies and telling her they like her and her work.)
  • another sharing and this is about HJ's good manners ^^ when HJ was leaving, he bowed to each and every one of the staff to say his goodbye. the security guard standing next to me said to his colleague, "see how professional the korean artist is.... so very polite... much stronger than those in our country!"
  • fans were initially a tad worried that HJ might be too shy, too reserved, too uneasy.... (whatever) during the recording of Happy Camp since it's his first time appearing in sucha variety show and it's gonna be in a foreign language in a foreign land...but but. but.... he was surprisingly comfortable and got into the scheme of games very quickly! at several points, his responses and remarks were so funny that the interpreter literally had to squat down to bend over in fits of laughter ^o^
  • posted by KHJ Bar (金贤重吧官方微博) according to updates from various frontline sources, tonight's recording was a joyous affair and went smoothly. believe HJ had tickled the audience, hosts and interpreter with his 4D charm. everyone's very excited tonight, and many were searching for his news online, resulting in HJ coming in first on all sorts of search engines and portals. check it out
  • seems like it's one of the showhosts' (Hito) birthday today, and HJ happened to be the special guest for today's recording. when he knew it's Hito's birthday, HJ decided to give him a birthday pressie! check out the photo! do you see what i see? ^^
  • Happy Camp director posted on weibo: Kim Hyun Joong really likes to say "네" no matter what circumstances~ ahhh, it's really a multi-purpose word~

 That's for the highlights from last night.

Hyun Joong is already airborne and on his way back to S Korea.  According to @baebb's latest twitter post...
  • fans gave HJ a nice & warm send-off at airport. they even came up with their own cheer for him ^^ here's what one fan who was there shared: "one two three, three two onr, kim hyun joong, five six seven, fighting fighting fighting!" i suppose chinese fans' cheer for Hj will be this in future! *thumbs up* hotel and airport send-off, kudos to the fans! (this was in Chinese of course)


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    He seems game and happy, funny and 4D, his usual gorgrous self, and polite nice guy off stage.

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I was wondering why you have not been posting anything on hj. Finally it is here. Glad that i checked. The highlights were so great. I read them over n over again. Lol. Hj is just adorable. He is really a prince n looking at him having so much fun make me miss him eben more. Thanks. U make my day.

  3. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Envy all of them with HJ.

  4. i guess the interpreter is a fan. i am already laughing at the fact that she was already laughing at the prospect that he is interpreting for hyun joong.
