
Monday, October 15, 2012

[Notice from B2M] Young Saeng Birthday Event

Young Saeng's birthday and nearing and B2M particularly Y.E.S. admin is preparing something form Young Saeng and fans.  Check this notice that is posted on Y.E.S and translated by xiaochu in Quiante501 and SGNoonas.  Loads of thanks!

Btw, today on Twitter, B2M [@b2ment] informed us that Y.E.S has an official Twitter account.  You may follow Y.E.S by clicking @YES_STAFF.


[Trans] Y.E.S Happy Birthday!! Heo YoungSaeng!! Event
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @ &


Hello. This is the person in charge of Y.E.S.

As mentioned through B2M twitter, YoungSaeng’ birthday commemoration on 3-Nov!
We came up with an event where all fans will be able to join through the official homepage.

This is the 8th birthday that YoungSaeng will be spending with fans right?
Let us hear of your incidents such as happy times spent with YoungSaeng in Y.E.S homepage, official homepage, fan board, etc, or very~~ hard time you’ve faced,
Right~ this was it...! kind of moment.

For those who think that ‘I don’t have any incidents TT-TT’
Please leave a birthday congratulatory message for YoungSaeng!!

We will be giving away 10 special, normal edition set of Over Joyed by random draw!
And another 10 more winners will win a normal edition.

The remaining 10 normal edition will be given through twitter event.
Please look forward to B2M twitter event mention.

Event period : 2012-10-17 Wednesday ~ 11-03 Saturday, 12 midnight


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    B2M, why don't you show your love to our prince YS with more promotion, activities and opportunities instead of an empty schedule?! YS is so perfect in every way and he deserves it. Luckily, he still has fans and Liezle for posting his news (which I can understand how difficult it is as usually there's none) showing love and support to him^^

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    @7.23am... yup, i really agreed with you... most of young saeng's news was about he's playing soceer, basketball etc.. i'm happy with the glimpse news about him.. but i also hope people will recognise his talent more.. i don't want to compare to other members but it's really hurt my heart because he looks like that, i means like what had you talk about:(

  3. Anonymous10:49 AM

    i guess its hard to be young saeng's fan..when his fans knows more about his ability rather than his own company~ sigh.. :I
    but as long as he is happy. so do we.. am i right?? hee ^^

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    @10.49am is he happy now? i don't think so.. he looks unmotivated these few days.. i don't know why? or maybe it's just my own feeling?mmmm
    hard to be young saeng's fan? "sometimes" but i can't give up on him... young saeng FIGHTING!!!

  5. Anonymous12:01 PM

    @11:22am. I feel the same. Nothing from his agency ....something’s wrong. How does he make a living without activities?! Is he happy, I don't think so as sometimes I can feel his helpless with no activities/plans in some of his tweets or interviews.

    It’s heartbreaking to see his situation like this, especially everything he did whether it’s album, acting, singing, musical are all so amazing and exceeding expectation (though I already set a very high standard on him). He is the best, full of talents and so kind and considerate that I don’t like seeing him being taken advantage of. Time and opportunities are very precious and I want him to go for his dreams when he is still young. He needs to change the agency to one which loves and appreciates him.

    Anyway, I am his die hard fans and will support him no matter what. I watch his MV Crying and 123 on Youtube to increase views everyday, buy all his albums, subscribe to his Youtube account, enrol as his official overseas fan club member, vote for him and will go to see his concert if he has one in Korea. I also introduced him to my friends. Let’s help to promote him in all our ways, YES!!

  6. Anonymous1:20 PM

    @12.01pm yes, something's wrong

    Actually, i'm a new fans of young saeng or SS501... before this, i just knew hyun joong but not SS501. until one day, i accidently click on young saeng's MV "Let It Go".. it's just amazing for me, his vocal, his style and i start admire him, searching about himself, i really don't have clue about he's part of SS501 before... and from then, i'm a big fan of him and SS501.. but it's so heartbreaking seeing him like that.. no publicity, no activities and rarely sees him appeared on tv...
    young saeng ah, please take care of yourself as your fans really love you..
    i just heard hyun joong renew his contract with KeyEast.. so glad, his company love him..why not you move to his company too? be with your besfriend:(

  7. Anonymous11:43 AM

    maybe because of the korean market itself, i remember him saying that he want to promote more during the crying activity but he can't..since b2m is just a small company, he is limited to what he can actually do..i hope his luck get better..hwaiting young saeng!!!

  8. Anonymous12:54 PM

    @1.20pm So happy to know you, another YS fan and love the sharing^^ I listen to songs but never be anyone’s fan until I met YS (and he’s one and only one – I don’t think I can find another singer as perfect as him). Got to know him in 2009 and totally attracted by his voice, his dance, witty and gentle personality, and of course his handsome look….. very charming. Love him more and more after his solo esp. his 2nd album which has so much YS Style. He’s very talented, just struck with a bad agency. I really hope that I can hear him sing live before he goes to army next year – it’s a must do thing in one’s life.

    Although difficult, let’s continue to support and promote him! You are not alone :-)

  9. Anonymous3:28 PM

    It isn't the agency only. I believe it is the artist himself in general. If the artist's work is widely accepted publicly, he gets a lot of offers or sales. So the artist can hold fanmeets that he can pay for in behalf of fans. If the income was high the agency can pay for it. Or the fans can pay high fees for such activity.

    This comment does not mean to put Young Saeng but as a reality check. It is easy for fans to blame the agency when there a lot of factors to it.

    Young Saeng's agency has been good to him. They took him and Kyu Jong and gave them projects. All i can say is Thank You B2M.

  10. Anonymous8:11 PM

    anyway, can't wait for this coming 11-03...young saeng saranghaeyo:)

  11. Anonymous9:38 AM

    It's YS takes the agency, not the agency took him. B2M can't even afford to pay them the signing lump sum like other members' agency and they apologized. Anyway, it's not even worth my response but don't put down YS and his fans! If you don't like him, go to other's posting and comment.

  12. Anonymous10:38 AM

    B2M for sure loves the other member and the new female group but not YS. YS' musical, OST and album - many are introduced through his friends. Right now, YS is doing everything himself including promotion through his twitter and his fanclub. I don't know what more he can do. He is full of talent, produced the best album but as his fan, I had really a hard time to find out the sudden release and buy it in Korea. After only see promotion for his other member’s fan meeting and album. The timing was so bad and then they cancelled the release of another version of his 2nd album. It’s a typical case study of marketing and strategy failure for a great album.

    YS’s first album was doing really well and he is famous. That’s why even though he has so few (if not none) activities and promotion for so long, he still has fans to support him and selling better than others.

    If you are his fan, you’ve got to worry about his finance (selling his car is not a good sign) and future (if this goes on). Before it’s too late, it’s time for a change, look at S-Plus and Keyeast, find some agencies which can deliver their promise and love their artist. He has the choice. YS, be brave and fighting!

    P.S. If you are his fans, help to promote him in all your way like what was said @12.01pm. Thanks very much Liezle for loving YS and I always check here for his news too :-)

  13. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Please don't put down young saeng.. maybe you are not his fan and don't know the exact story. ys choose B2M without thinking about money. u can refer to his dad's letter to him while he made the decision to choose the company.. here is the link

    @3.28pm thanks for the opinion but as a YES and of course TRIPLE S, i really want him more outstanding.

    p/s:be strong ys, we always proud of you. just admire him more and more after reading the father's letter:)

  14. Anonymous11:02 AM

    @3.28pm There are lots of fans begging the agency for fan meeting, concerts but I think there is some games or politics going on. The Japanese fans really like Saengie - you can tell by the turn out. But when he was asked by his friend in the tweets if he'll have any future activities in Japan, his answer is no TT....

  15. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Sigh, really we don't know what is going on unless a B2M insider talks. Dont'get me wrong, I love YS and Kyu. Suspecting as much as you do, the big reason is all the personal sports of YS with friends, and why Kyu went into military this early. Singers amd actors ahould be milking their talent and being busy in their career, with an agency that can fill in their time productively, until military duty calls, closer to age 30. It is unfair for the 2 boys and their agency to be thinking negatively, resulting to this void. Best of luck to YS. Hoping for lots of good projects and he soars high in his career.

  16. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Can we have a showcase or birthday party or fan meeting to celebrate his birthday, please? What's the use of having another twitter if the artist has no activity or news.

  17. Anonymous3:47 PM

    i agree whit you S-Plus and Keyeast
    love their artist so much.

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