
Sunday, October 14, 2012

[Pix] Hyun Joong Treated Fans in Jaksal 10.13.12

Who wouldn't love this lad?

After the Lotte Duty Free Fan Meeting in Seoul, fans would surely think of eating, right? If you are a fan of Hyun Joong where would be the best place to eat? Jaksal!

And yes fans did go to Jaksal and so does Hyun Joong. Here is a short fan account shared by @baebb in Twitter that she translated from the post of  onlice_henecia in weibo. Thanks ladies!
am sure you've already heard that HJ went to jaksal tonight? sweet of him! am sure he jolly well knows there would be fans since many would have attended his FM earlier....

anyway before he left jaksal, he bought everyone a beer! there were 33 peeps then, so he bought 33 bottles. he really did get his card out to pay for the beer ^^

Following are photos that veggiedelight emailed that was shared by @Triplekwan501 in Twitter. Thanks much!


  1. Anonymous2:28 PM

    He looks like a university student(which he is -Stage Performance Management course)with his eyeglasses on.

    What too much stage lights damaged his lasic treated eyes already? Tsk,tsk occupational hazard.

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Sweeeeeet guy:) I really love him wearing glasses.

  3. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Nowadays glasses are seen as a fashion statement, how could some people not know that?

  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Anon @8;31 don't have a sweeping generalization. He doesn't need to do some fashion statement relaxing with friends or being deep in the neck for work.

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Together with releasing albums, drama, CF, and Jaksal, he is a student too. He works out, takes care of skin I am sure. Boggles me how he juggles all that and still manages to look fresh as a daisy.
