
Saturday, October 20, 2012

[Pix] Hyung Jun Playing Footbal 10.20.12

On the 18th of October, Hyung Jun tweeted that there will be a football match this Saturday, 20th of October at GwanCheong GwanMoon Sports Park. Today fans gathered to watch him play at 5PM and shared several photos on Twitter.

Here are just several photos I lifted from Twitter. Much thanks to everyone who shared.

tweeted @HyungJun_news

tweeted @hjjh803 RT @HyungJun_news

tweeted by @juyeun31

 tweeted @HyungJun_news

tweeted by @eunkyung1004

tweeted by @HyungJun_news

tweeted by @HyungJun_news

I am certain more photos and videos will be shared later. I will be shoving them here when I encounter them. 

A few hours after the game Hyung Jun tweeted. Here is Hyung Jun's tweet as translated by @xiaochu1004 in Twitter. Many thanks!
@HyungJun87 : Today is the very first match A competition. We won as there are many who cheered for us! Yaho.!^~^ it was very very enjoyable and suffered a lot! We will do well in the future too and should shoot many goals! Great job everyone! Let's see each other next time! Urgent meeting want you!


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    He really looked like he enjoyed himself. I envy the Korean fans. They get to be up close with him and spend time and talk with him.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I feel HJB always beg fan's support on twitter.

  3. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I don't think there is anything wrong with asking for support from his fans.

  4. Anonymous3:26 PM

    That is one of his many qualities that I really like from Jun, he seems to always be sooooooooo nice to fans and appreciative of their support and I am glad he always has them(me) in mind and does not mind our company. Unfortunately, I live really far from Korea and can't join the fun =/. Nonetheless, the pictures are awesome and I am very thankful to those who took the pictures :)

  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

    anon 1:38 pm
    agree with u..
    haha,anon 3:26 pm if i live in korea.i will defintely join him.lucky korean fan ^^
    actually when he tweet like that,it's good for both.i mean maknae and his fans.he can get support from his fans.and the fans can meet him freely without tight security.hehe. i hope u understand what i said. ^^

  6. Anonymous5:30 AM

    @ 7:27PM

    No worries, I totally understood what you said =)
    And yes, I love that he creates a very welcoming environment for his fans. They are able to interact very comfortably and enjoy his dorkiness & playfulness. Fans don't need to feel burden or that they are annoying him because I feel like he is demonstrating that he enjoys their company.

  7. Anonymous9:12 PM

    It's natural thing that fans must give support to their idol's activities. But playing football is not a official activity but a his private life. Besides my memory is correct, HJB said he hate playing sports. Hum I really wonder why he did that.

  8. Anonymous10:28 PM

    anon 9.12 pm
    yeah,maybe he used to hate sports, but maybe also the influence from his friends make him involve in sports and fell in love with it.there's nothing wrong with it. ^^

  9. Anonymous1:27 AM

    anon 9:12 pm i agree with you. there's no wrong playing football with his friends and having fun with his fans.i really miss him and i wanna see him too. those who can meet him are so lucky.

  10. Anonymous4:01 AM

    I don't see anything wrong with him spending time with his fans in a non official activity. Hyung Jun is known for his open and friendly personality and that extends to his relationship with fans. Inviting his fans to see him play fits naturally with his personality. The first couple of times he played no fans were invited, just pics shown on twitter. I'm sure he got a lot of responses from fans wishing they could have seen him play and when his next game came up he thought to invite them. As for him once saying he didn't like sports, I don't know how accurate that is. He may not be a hardcore fan but he always came off like a casual fan to me. Even these games give off that feeling to me. The people he's playing with seem like regular guys having some matches for fun.
