
Saturday, October 27, 2012

[Pix & Vid] Young Saeng & Hyung Jun on the Field 10.27.12

The rain did not hamper these idols from going to the field to play football/futsal.  Yes, Young Saeng and Hyung Jun went to play today but on two different fields. 

Hyung Jun actually tweeted yesterday that he will have the 2nd match with the team they beat last weekend. Today's result showed that they won again. This time it's 7:0.

Here is the happy tweet of Hyung Jun courtesy of @xiaochu1004 translation in Twitter.

HyungJun87 : Well. Result for today's A match competition is! Whopping 7 to 0! We won! It was a wet field match so it was cold and all and out of the mind but. Because we won, I felt light hearted^^ many of you showed up despite that it was raining, thank you^^ 2nd consecutive win! Please look forward to next week too!

Here are teaser photos from Prettyboy shared on Twitter. I will be sharing later HQ photos when shared on their Prettyboy website.

As for Young Saeng, he went to the FCOne match in which fans gave him cake and celebrated ahead of time his birthday. Here are few of the photos shared on Twitter by @bestys1103, @Madeleine_hys and @rmdkdl

Young Saeng birthday cake from from his fansites. Photo tweeted by @MY_Lee_.

Young Saeng with the birthday cake from his fans. Thanks to cll_slam10 for the link!

Vid courtesy of

And check this vid HERE of Park Ji Bin, Seo Ji Seok and Heo Young Saeng.


  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    both are cuteee^^ i really hope one day leader,saengie and maknae will play together in a match :D

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    The birthday cake is so cute. YS looks so happy cutting the cake -thanks to his fans^^

  3. Thank you fans for sending a cake to our YS. Pls help us to this kind of things to our SS501 members 'coz we're couldn't be in Korea to do this personally. So your gesture to our boys really meaningful to us in overseas.
