
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

[Media Pix] Jung Min at 'Show Championship' Pre-recording 11.13.12

Today, Jung Min  had a pre-recording at MBC’s “Show Championship” for his comeback.

'Show Championship' is a music television program that broadcasts every Tuesday 7:00 PM KST. Jung Min will appear in the show on the 20th of November to perform 'Beautiful' from his his upcoming 2nd mini album.

Here are media photos of Jung Min from the recording today lifted from Naver.


  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Awww...,, so CUTE!!!!!! *p*

  2. Anonymous4:19 AM

    I don't mean to offend but personally I think he looks gay in the photos. - the hairstyle, the outfit and the makeup. Some of u may disagree hence why I said this is a personal opinion. We can agree to disagree. Hope the song does well.

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Don't worry. I agree with u. And his face look more long before.

  3. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Well he calls it sexy charisma. whatever he calls it. still looks gay to me. our world is filled with queer people who act like him and eventually admit in the end. it's not an issue anymore. it just takes courage to admit especially if they are in the entertainment industry.

    i'd respect him more if he comes clean rather than mask it with whatever label he fits it.

  4. hello5016:00 PM

    he looks really skinny!.. oppa please eat more~~~
    he doesn't look gay more music performer rather than an idol
