
Monday, December 24, 2012

[Trans] Christmas Message from Kyu Jong

Kyu Jong making everyone's Christmas wonderful with his sweet message.  ThanKYU!

Heaps of thank you as well to xiaochu for the translation in Quainte501 and SGNoonas. 

Missing Kyu Jong again.

Btw, Merry Christmas everyone!

[Trans] KyuJong, “2012.12.24 Merry Christmas”

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @ &


Hello. This is ThanKYU administrator.
KyuJong’s Christmas message has arrived^^

The original copy is as attached.
Because there are some who couldn’t really see the words on the image file, so we’ve put the text below.


Pretties~! Merry Christmas~♡
Is everyone doing well?! It was July not long ago~
Before we knew it!! It is the end of the year where we think of people we are grateful to and missing of~
Though it is something I’ve always say, please be the pretties who will give a warm and comfortable helping hand with your precious someone at year end~^^
Even though it is important to be finding happiness, but sharing and distributing seems to be even more important~ That’s why happiness is turning round and round among each other~ How great is that?!^^ Hee~
I wrote bigger because I heard that the letters can’t be seen clearly
But while writing, I realized that I can’t write more than a few lines..TT - Even though it’s like a letter that’s written once, actually I’ve written a few to choose from..^^ Haha~”
Anyways!! Time flies faster than we think~ That’s why we must spend (our time) valuably~ Promise!! We frequently say “What should I do tomorrow?”
Tomorrow is an extension of tomorrow and tomorrow will be today in a blink, today will be the past before we knew it!
So instead of worrying for tomorrow, why not always welcome it with excitement?!^^ My excitement is today’s excitement for tomorrow
And the exciting yesterday that seems to have remain^^
The last line before I knew it..
TT Pretties, a hasty goodbye~ Will write a letter again^^♡


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Love to hear from him through his hand-written letters, it does bring warmth to this Christmas. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone^^ThanKyu to Liezle who is always dedicated to provide the latest from our dearest SS501♥

  2. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I miss Kyu Jong :( #Waiting4Kyu

  3. Anonymous9:37 PM sweet.every words are so meaningful..miss u kyu :)
