
Monday, December 31, 2012

[Trans] Kyu Jong's S/Tweet Treat for the New Year!

Kyu Jong greeted us via sweet tweet treat for the coming year. Here is translation of his tweet courtesy of course of @xiaochu1004 shared on Twitter.

@2kjdream : Happy New year. Have a happy new year pretties. Let's spend 2013 with a kind heart, filled with laughter and sharing happiness~~

It will still be quite a while before we see Kyu Jong. But for so long as he keeps on tweeting once in a while and we are getting bits and pieces of photos, I am fine with it. I am pretty sure that Kyu Jong is doing well and doing his best to serve his country as well.

Happy New Year, Kyu Jong!


  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    happy new year wuri kyu! what took you so long to tweet?!

  2. Anonymous9:38 PM

    i miss kyu..happy to see his tweet..yeay,u r right liezle, as long as i can see his tweet,photo or letter, i am fine with it..^^

  3. this is first commenting blog i will be very happy if you would share more about Kim Kyu Jong! I like your blog and Ss501 hwaiting!!! Happy New Year!
