
Friday, December 07, 2012

[Vids] Hyun Joong Zipped Off to Chengdu 12.07.12

Hyun Joong left for Chengdu earlier via Incheon International Airport.  Here are two videos that veggiedlight sent to my email which I am sharing here.

Much thanks to Sarah860606 and KHJYES86 for sharing their videos on YouTube. Please DO NOT upload/edit videos in any streaming sites including YouTube.

Hyun Joong seems to be in a good mood as I saw him wave several times.

Courtesy of Sarah860606 /
If you move this video please write the original credit only.
Do not re-upload ,re-edit & erase the logo
( no capture & no flash video)
Do not move this video to everywhere that are related "We got married"

Courtesy of KHJYES86

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Waving with a slight bow, it is casual moments like this that earns him a thumbs up from both fans and media. Fame doesn't go to his head.
