
Tuesday, January 08, 2013

[Trans] Hyun Joong Message on 01.08.13

Quite a long and another cute message  from Hyun Joong that he left on his Korean official webby.  Much thank you to xiaochu for another translation and for sharing in Quainte501 and SGnoonas.

I like it that he's telling us a story when he got up wee hours of the morning.


[Trans] HyunJoong, 23rd story '.............'

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @ &


Finished the first schedule of 2013 and returned back to the accommodation, had a simple meal, showered and laid down
Maybe it was because I was nervous and used lots of strength for the first schedule, thus I fell asleep very fast
When I became conscious, it was already 2.30am..only came to realize too late that a lot of time has passed by
I laid back trying to get back to sleep..about 10 minutes passed by??The sign of the loads of water which I drank during the concert because it was very hot and I used so much voice during then, was like returning back to the world again, so I hurriedly went to the toilet and washed up??keke With light steps, I returned back towards my bed........
I actually like dark things so the room/interior was in pitch black with no lights on, on that day too, I had to feel my way back towards my bed to reach it
I reached my bed and just like in the AEON CF, I jumped and landed softly, buried my face into the pillow, and wanted to try to fall asleep again...
And that was just my wishful thinking.........Usually the company would arrange for a double bed but this was a twin bed was just jumping from the space between the two beds..........
In the early morning, I hit my head on the bedside table for the lamp between the beds, and I fell flat on the floor
It was so painful that I couldn’t even let out my voice..........then I screamed and rolled on the floor in the dark alone
Thinking back, it was really very funny so I laughed....that leaves me another scar on my arm keke
I slept again. All thanks to that, I had a bump on my head....even though it is not that visible as it is hidden under my hair..
I’m thinking how funny I am in this new year..
If there was an infrared light camera installed then, I wanted to see it once again....
This morning, I applied the toner which stylist noona gave me, on my face, it wasn’t the spray type but jet-spray type, so the toner were used on my eyes..........................This year is really a year to look forward to..


  1. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Oh, my cute HJ, you're so funny...

  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Haha~ I thought that such situations only happens on clumsy people like me >.< funny lah you...

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Hahahahaha~ Hyun Joong is so funny and cute. I also want to see that situation by camera:)

  4. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Our 4D Alien Prince !
    He's too adorkable,I'm dying at HJ's cuteness >____<

  5. That would have been a great 'Thank You For Waking Me Up' episode!

  6. Anonymous2:15 AM

    i can image the scene hj experiences from the trans ......
    haha, hj, some funny moment to start the year :)
    way to go, ready to conquers the new year 2013 !! fighting !!
    thanks for the upload & trans

  7. Oh Leader, no matter how cool he looks in public, he is still a boy at heart and all those clumsiness was his old good self again as waht we knew him since debuted in 2005. How I miss these kind of antics from our boys

  8. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Did he really fall asleep after the great fall or he passed out? LOL.

    His playful antics could be dangerous so I hope he doesn't do it again specially if he is alone in the dark room.

    If he needs company just holler will be there!

  9. Anonymous11:56 PM

    that is what i love him about :)
    he is too adorable to share it as a joy with us fans.
    you take it serious when you at work, but there is time should be relax & laugh in situation like that ^^
    that is the way we balance ourselves, hj also ......
    he is just cute even he is a growing man now, can Not stop loving him (^J^)

  10. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Can't stop loveing him...the cutest boy(man) in the world!!!
