
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hyung Jun to be the Image Model of Lotte JTB

I am back again. I went out of town and enjoy the beach. ^^

It's been long gap after my last post... sorry. Anyway, shoving here something I read about Hyung Jun.

Read on Sports World that Hyung Jun was chosen to be the new model for Lotte JTB.

Lotte JTB is a joint venture between Lotte and Japanese travel agency that focuses on travel and lifestyle. The travel agency is under the umbrella of Lotte Group.

According to the news, Hyung Jun will be active in participating in different Hallyu promotional activities overseas for one year. Added by the representatives of Lotte JTB, they have chosen Hyung Jun because of his bright and healthy image. Likewise, he has good influence as a singer and actor domestically and overseas. Lastly, the representatives said that Hyung Jun's image blends well with the high quality travel and culture-oriented healthy image that Lotte JTB has.

1 comment:

  1. Together with this article, news about Hyung Jun's birthday celebration with fans was mentioned.

    And as S-Plus already posted on Hyung Jun's Korea webby, I am now shoving here details about it.

    KIM HYUNG JUN 2013 Birthday Party

    Date: Sat, August 3rd, 2013 (time to be announced)

    Location: venue to be announced but will be in Seoul, Korea

    Fee: 20,000 won

    How to participate: First come, first served 200 people will be selected
