Monday, January 25, 2010

DSP encouraging fans to attend Persona in BKK and Encore

After the incident that happened exactly a week ago, DSP released a notice regarding Persona in Bangkok [February 13] and Persona in Seoul Encore [February 27 & 28].

I don’t have with me yet the English translation of the notice but just to give you an idea what it is all about It is saying that Persona in Bangkok will be the last stop of SS501 1st Asia Tour after seven months since SS501 started the tour in Seoul last August. Likewise it is saying that the Encore will be different from the other Persona and that they are encouraging people to attend.

I know that after what happened many are thinking not to give support to DSP by not attending these concerts or patronizing official merchandize of SS501.

But could this really solve the problem? As a fan, I’m plague with many questions. I’m thinking, how the boys would think if they see the venue not full. How would they be inspired to work knowing that ticket sales are not as they are expecting them to be.

Whether to attend or not, could this be the last concert I’ll be seeing SS501 together as one? Would I be betraying my friends who are not supporting DSP if I attend? If I attend would this mean that I’m just letting go the incident and set aside the thing we are fighting for?

For some it is a very tough decision to make especially when you think of SS501.

But for me, as of this writing, I’m only thinking about the boys. I want to give them my 501% support. My attending the concerts doesn’t mean that I’m setting aside what happened. I believe there are other ways to win the fight by not hurting SS501.


Beth said...

Dear Liezle,

I agree with you. Not showing up to their concert will hurt the boys for sure in every way. No matter how upset with DSP, going to their concerts, buying their CD's.....are the best ways of supporting the boys.

Anonymous said...

its really a tough call. just listen to your heart.

just wondering out loud - dsp putting up this, for the benefit of the boys? i dont buy it.
honestly it doesnt go down well with me. isnt there a more crucial situation that required their attention to not "hurt SS"?
i cannot betray my own conscience, at this point of time.
let wait out and see if dsp will do anything in the following days.

Anonymous said...

Without DSP, the boys will not exists at all. The fans should give their support at this point of time. Not attending their concerts or patronize official mechandize will not solve anything. In fact, their so-call fans are 'killing' them... slowly.... this is very scary.

I will support the boys regardless how unhappy I am with DSP. I want the boys to stay as 'SS501'.. that's all.

Belle said...

When I buy SS501 merchandise, albums, concert tickets, I am not buying because I like DSP. I am buying because I like SS501. To put it simply, with or without DSP I will still like SS501.

Fighting for our idols so that they will get better treatment is great but it should not be at the expense of the very idols that we so want to protect. It defeats the purpose.

Sorry if I may have hurt anyone out there by my frank remarks but these are my personal feelings and thoughts :p Mianhamida. So for the 5 wonderful guys who have been giving us so much joy and laughter for the past years, please support them 501%. I am looking forward to seeing them in Seoul.

Anonymous said...

if i have money, i will go attend their persona, it's not the boys who make us upset, it's dsp fault.

im sure if the boys see so many empty seats in their concert, they must be sad.
i will not make them sad, i love them so much.

despite my dislike to dsp, i still support my ss501, F O R E V E R...

Anonymous said...

If DSP don't clarify the truth to the public and apologize, I wouldn't attend the concert. If the seats are full, dsp will repeat the same horrible thing in the future too and its victims will be the boys themselves.

Anonymous said...

You're right anonymous # 3... this is also what I feel, some fans are killing the boys. The more we talk the more painful for them.
Liezl is right there are many ways to win this battle.
Let's continue to support SS501.

Anonymous said...

agree to above anonymous at 4:38 and at 5:56. dsp encourage the fans to attend? for whom? do they do for boys? nope.

the first thing they must do is for dsp to tell what's all about over leader's matter to the media and fans before selling the tickts to fans. isn't that the right order?

Anonymous said...

agree with 4:38, 5:56 and 6:09
all the years dsp had done the very least for the boys - and the fans are doing all the job for them because of our love for the boys.
until and unless dsp realise that they need to take proactive actions to protect and promote the boys generously. if its another sell-out for them, what are we telling dsp?
i really believe the boys if they are seriously thinking of their career and wants to go far, they will understand why certain fans do what they are doing in the current situation.
if the boys still choose to stay in dsp (omg!), they will still be receiving this kind of really sloppy bad managing from the company!!
no offence intended, just some personal thots. :p

Anonymous said...

Agree to the 6:23 with other anonymous who are against attending the concerts. DSP has to realize what they have done to leader. Leader's done his every best for the company but what has leader got? They pushed him into the pit. If fans do as usual without showing any resentment to DSP, will it be good for boys?

The fans (esp leader fans) will have to think over what's best in order for DSP to realize their wrongdoings.

The boys will understand why the fans are doing this.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 6:09. DSP's priority appears to be in the wrong order. Maybe for them, profit comes first before leader's and SS501's reputation and image.

No offence intended, to each his own.

Anonymous said...

Some fans may think of boycotting, but thinking is thinking, they're not doing it. I even thought of bombing DSP.

You're a very influential blogger in the SS501 fandom. You said two letters 'ok', 99% of the international fandom believe you. I 'm afraid that this post may mislead some people into thinking that some fans are really boycotting DSP. Then we probably have another fan war.

Anonymous said...

The notice was a very formal one. The only thing that came close to 'encourage' was the third last line which is 'Hope every Triple S can give attention and support'.

Anonymous said...

above 9:01 anonymous, why fan war? if any action, it's for the boys not for dsp. if fans want the boys to continue getting that loose, dirty management from dsp, go ahead and let dsp be satisfied as if nothing happened.....

if fans are afraid of correcting the wrong, who else can?

M. said...

All i want is what's best for SS501 so of course i'm going to attend their concert. Why wouldn't i? I'm there fan and that's what fans should be doing right?
I personally don't think getting back DSP (for the incident) is more important than supporting the 5 boys that we fell in love with.

Anonymous said...

While these are perfectly understandable reasons both camps have for their decisions, those who plan to boycott the concerts and merchandise put much faith in their ability to influence DSP. There is no guarantee that taking these actions will prompt DSP to 'realise' the situation and rectify it to the satisfaction of fans. What one can be sure of, is only that a mass boycott will definitely affect the profits of not only DSP but SS501.

For the group that is going to be putting in their best efforts into the performances ahead, the least they deserve is the support from having the audience present. Although DSP, being first and foremost a business, may prioritise profits; perhaps fans should consider prioritising between their support for SS501 and their disapproval of DSP's management.

Anonymous said...

Fan war as in one sides support boycott while the another don't. Then they argue with each other about the true definition of a 'fan'.

See, thats why I mean by influential. Liezle said ''many are thinking'' then people go '' fans 're boycotting'' -.-

Tell me who is boycotting? The thai fans? The korean fans? Did any fansite announce that they're boycotting?

Whether you go or not, it's your money and your personal choice.

ilkhj said...

No offence, but who cares about DSP. Yes, they did something that was very upsetting -once upon a week ago- but why should that stop us not going to SS501's concert? I mean if this whole incident didn't happen, would you honestly be pondering whether or not you should go to the boy's concert? -well duh, of course not!- so why should it stop us from keep giving them our support?
Well, because it shouldn't.
I'm saying this because what's important to us is SS501 not DSP. So whether SS501 belongs to DSP or not, in my opinion, I think we should be attending their concert to give them our 501% love+support!

Btw, don't get me wrong, I'm not covering up for DSP. They should really think about what they did & we should really think about correcting their wrongs.
Just not by hurting SS501.

Anonymous said...

TS is known for staying strong and supporting SS501 no matter what.

So why is this situation any different?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:46, once one covers the wrong for the convenience's sake, when/how can one correct it?
will the time come when any action of fans towords dsp would not hurt the boys temperarily?

DSP knows this weakness of the fans and are using it. That's the point they can ignore the fans. Why don't we show them we have 'power' this time? Wouldn't it be good for the boys eventually?

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous who replied at 9.44; assuming that your reference to the "people go(ing) ''fans 're boycotting'' " was directed at my comment that was posted earlier at 9.37, let me clarify myself. When I used the phrase 'mass boycott' in context, I meant to discuss its impact hypothetically. I am not implying that there have been concrete actions taken by groups (e.g. fansites) or that "fans 're boycotting". I apologise if my comment can be misconstrued as such.

To answer your questions, that there exists a side that "support(s) boycott" suggests that some individuals may plan to do so. My comment was simply meant to offer an alternative perspective on the issue.

runaway said...

OMG, seems that everybody jump into the comment box and...
you have ur own opinion, right? Do what u really want to do.
If i can, i will go.

Anonymous said...

To all the hjl die-heart fans,vid khj tells the truth eng subs are out in youtube,hope everybody can understanding the whole outcome bef arguing.

Anonymous said...

To DSP,yr msg 'Hope every Triple S can give attention and support'.
You DSP already like a tortise hide inside the self,not giving a clarification,still dare to put out this msg to fans! PLS DO YOUR PART FIRST.

Anonymous said...

Roughly know the history after reading some reported news,really need someone to explode the background of the boss.For those intentionally or unintentionally,lost control anti fans of hjl,you all really owe an apology to KIM HYUN JOONG.

Anonymous said...

DSP totally neglects fans' asking to clarify and apologize but instead posts a notice about the concert as if nothing happened.....That's DSP.....shouldn't they clarify first for what's wrong?

DSP never mind how much leader's hurt by them..... Their only concern and priority is profit.

They must do first what they have to do before they ask fans to do for them.

Anonymous said...

vid khj tells the truth eng subs should be watched by all fans who cares this matter (for those asking why focusing on khj can skip).

KHJ fans are not making things out of imagination and assumption.

Anonymous said...

*yawn*....TS... turn the page... move on...

Anonymous said...

It seems people are blind-sided by DSP's recent actions. Yes, we have all been disappointed by the company. Yes, they suck. The boys are already sacrificial lambs for DSP. Should we fans do the same?

This is a very critical situation for SS501. By going to Bangkok and Seoul Encore concerts, we will let everyone know(SS501, the media, the citizens, the antis, entertainment companies esp. DSP) that SS501 are still very much marketable now and their future still looks very bright, with or without contract renewal from DSP. I think this is the best way to show support as a fan.

~~peace out!

Anonymous said...

Baby ambitious,better keep away to yr boss as yr boss is yr daddy's friend,i don't want to link with it.

KimYoungMeen said...

i really want to go support our boys but i had some financial problem dis year plus i've got big exam coming
so i just hope any triples that can join the concert please join some support to our boys

Anonymous said...

peace out gals, to each his own!
make you own decision and respect each other decision.

Anne said...

Why hurt the boys? Some fans are acting irrational. Sorry for such harsh words. We go to their concerts and buy their records is support for SS501 and not DSP. We are all emotional right now. We are all hurt together with Leader. But not going to their concerts is going to hurt the boys feelings. Look at Cassies despite of their hatred with SM they still support DBSK to be no. 1 in all charts and make sure that their concerts are all sucessful. Let us do that as well. Let the world knows that SS501 is the greatest and no. 1 in all their endeavors. Let us show that we LOVE and CARE for them. If we would not go it will hurt LEADER as well Youngsaeng, Kyujong, Jungmin and Hyungjoon. Let us support them 501%. Let us support SS501. 5 together as 1. Let us be one with them. Let us deal with DSP in another way. Let us not hurt the boys. What will be the news if their concerts is not well attended. Let us make their concerts successful.

Ashyira said...

501% agree to what u have said Anne...

very well said!!!!

TS should be united as one. I agree to everyone that DSP should explain first and foremost everything. But i dnt buy the idea of not supporting the boys. I love them (SS501) to the point of standing still and firm for them until the end.

SS501 & Triple S - forever ^-^

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...*yawn*....TS... turn the page... move on...

Gosh, yeah move on. Why making so much fuss again? Why can't just let things cool off and stop bringing it up. For one thing, I think you guys have forgotten... without DSP do you think there's SS501?

Do you work in DSP that you know every truth? Sometimes, the truth it's better to be unrevealed to make everyone happy. I think this post it's just making things worst.

|_ (_) |\| /-\ said...

haish.... I feel sad for you Miss Lizzie... ....

as Triple S, i agree that the best way to show support is to buy their merchies and if I can, attend their concerts..

DSP may have done things that are not acceptable to the fans.. or to the boys.. as the fans think (we really do not know what's happening there)...

but the way I see it.. with what they have achieved and been experiencing.. the boys are still in good hands...

there can be a lot of movement that can be done to voice out and let DSP hear us... not attending to their concerts or not buying their Music, which is the very reason why they are still artists... is the most unwise opinion ive encountered coming from fans...

come on Triple S!

Karren168 said...

I totally agree with you also, Anne!...

If we can, watch all SS501 concerts, buy all the products they endorse... for our SS501 Men...

Let us do our best to show our SS501 Men that we are also strong & united just like them!

Let's be proactive... only do positive actions... no matter what others say & do, don't let our 501% love, support & respect for our SS501 Men be affected!

It is during times like this when our SS501 Men need to feel our unconditional love, support, respect & prayers the Most!

Anonymous said...

2:23am,seem like you know everythings,are you a anti fan? W/o dsp w/o ss501,I agree,but leader alone has already earned enough for them & don't owe them.Maybe he wants to fulfill his dream,but this is not gentle for dsp to treat him like this.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully leader & members can stand together with fans ask for a clarification before the concert tour con't, because dsp is playing the dirty trick on both side now.

shirbo said...

agree with 2:23 am. why make the fuss again? either you are against dsp or not, letting the issue cool down is the best thing a fan can do. keep bringing it up will just let more people know and it'll work against the boys. ss501 contract will be based on their income especially in the past year. that is why ts have been so sensitive about fancams from persona being released and new songs being posted. boycotting ss501 events and merchandise will just endanger the renewal of their contract. why not just keep it simple? if you like them, do whatever u want whether its attending their concerts or purchasing their cds and dvds.
none of us work for dsp or ss501 and we will never know all the decisions they make and the reason behind it. so STOP GUESSING. just let it die down and stop creating drama for whatever reason.

shirbogurl said...

just to clarify....the above "shirbo" is not Shirley aka shirbogurl from Youtube....I guess i need to use a new nickname from now on.....ahhh

liezle said...

hey there Shirley ^_^ thanks for the email. aren't we just talking last night? ^^

have a good day and see you soon.


shirbogurl said...

hehe yeup we already talked about this hehe cant wait to see u in bkk!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about other kpop group. So correct me if I'm wrong. But from the headlines I've read, boycotting 2PM didn't help bring back Jaeboem. So will boycotting the concert help SS501 boys at all? I agree that DSP need to clarify the matter, but can we find other ways that will not hurt the boys more than they already are especially leader? I really don't want to see SS501 become SS401.

Anonymous said...

People, wake up!!!
Haven't you watched the truth khj vid? That's the real truth not a fake.

This is not making the fuss again but recover the reputation of our leader who's hurt so badly and used totally by DSP. Why don't you guys realize reality???

Leader can't move towards the world star with this bad image and stained reputation which caused by the ceo of DSP. We fans have to unite for leader and the boys' future so that DSP shouldn't do the same thing again in future.

If we fans don't take action now, when are you going to do? 30 years later?

Sarah Jane said...

Knowing leader he already dealt with his company on his own way. That is why DSP gave the 2nd explanation and put back his message. The news died down. Why dig old bones. A real fan is giving full support to SS501. Maybe some fans are forgeting the aims & goals of these 5 gorgeous men. Their goals is to be successful & become world star together as one. Why do we have to fail them now? or some fans are becoming overly emotional. Take a deep breath count 1 to 5. 1 for our Dearest Leader, 2 for our Prince YS, 3 for our Sweet Kyu, 4 for our Sexy Charm Mal JM & 5 for our Baby HJB. Now is that better. Ok. See you all at the concert in Seoul.

Anonymous said...

Agree to Sarah Jane... why dig old bones out. I think they are just too free that's why don't want the news to die down.keep on bringing it up again.

Anonymous said...

Please respect one's choice...priority....and dish...

I am KHJ fan but I do not want to give pressure to other fans...Please do not ask those who dun care to care...

I believe this blog has made a choice already... please let go and lets KHJ's fans united as we are the ones who sense the sufficient of the issue rather old bones as others...

Henna said...

Leader is not gonna be happy!!! Because TS and Khj fans are dysfunctional. We will get scolding from him.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree with you, Sarah Jane, we shouldn't dig this matter up again.
I think that won't help anything but increase some problems again. I wonder these boys are quite headache now about their contract which will end soon, so as fans, please, don't add any problems. Not attend the concert might hurt them.
All of you must know, the biggest pride we can feel from SS501 is when they perform on the stage.
Leader said, he loves most when he can stand & perform on the stage.
Recently I re-watch SS501 M!Pick series, when Young Saeng’s Special, there's a question from fans ‘What kind of behavior do you not like for the fans?’ YS answered :”Compared with gifts, I PREFER THEM to SEE our performances and to HEAR the voices (cheers) of everyone. It makes me feel very accomplished. It feels really good to hear the shouting voices..”
Dear friends, do you get what YS mean? I think that’s not only YS’s thought, but all the member will think so, they need our cheering, especially on their concerts. How bad the condition, we still need to show our support. Absent to attend will only make the boys think some of the fans become the part of antis because of that issue. What would they feel when they see so many empty seats. Such a long break, and they have chance again to stand on the stage but end up no one to attend. After practice so many dances and songs, but no one cheering up their effort ?
What we can do are giving our best, because SS501 (Leader Hyun Joong, Young Saeng, Kyu Jong, Jung min, Hyung Jun) are giving their best too.
Please.. please don’t disappoint them and hurt them again.
Triple S should be united, love peace, stand up and cheering our beloved boys, SS501..
I hope everyone can cooperate. Let everyone, the antis see our united and loves to the boys through this action.
God bless..

Henna said...

Remember guys Leader does not like arguments. He always said that. Let us not make him feel down again. Let us bring in a good vibe for the year of Leader.

Anonymous said...

RTPLZ: trending SupportHyunjoongPetition : watch this important! trend this 26th jan 4pm-6pm KST
bad memory about hyun joong is their nation enemy. And he never could move on. SupportHyunjoongPetition forever copy fm

Anonymous said...

And plz spread to other korean twitter community copy

Anonymous said...

SupportHyunjoongPetition But if we will just keep silent and wait until it die/get burried, it will sure got burried but with BAD MEMORY

Anonymous said...

Remember the intensive hour: 4pm-6pm kst!! please keep tweeting and spread this... SupportHyunjoongPetition

Anonymous said...

With this netizen knows he just a victim by DSP mess statement. So they have another story, not just real strict he is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Wih this SupportHyunjoongPetition At least we created another memory to those netizen or nation, memory that hyunjoong is innocent

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To liezle,sorry for using your comment box to spread the support hjl petition,I just want to do apart to support leader,thank you for your understanding.And fans who found similiar msg which was posted above was copied fm twitter fans.Sorry for not getting your approval first.Thank again.

Anonymous said...

Do the fans want leader to keep having bad reputation for the rest of his career?
In K entertainment, that'll be a big barrier for leader to maintain/become a great star in Korea/the world unless it's proved clearly to the public that he's innocent. DSP must do clarify this first to recover leader's reputation. In this situation, do you want to keep silent?

Anonymous said...

you must have witnessed the case of jaebeom of 2pm. he's been pushed away out of korea by the netizens by his fault 4 years ago.

if this case is buried without verifying leader's innocence, leader can't grow any bigger from now on. don't you know how cruel the k netizens are? the fans must show the public that leader is not guilty at all and a victim used by DSP and politics.

Anonymous said...

Fans can show their support in other ways, such as donating fund to the need in the name of leader. Or they can buy products of Basic House or Tony Moly and donate them in the name of leader.....

They have saved money for the concert. They can donate money or stuff and keep protesting to DSP to reveal the truth and apologize to leader and people.

Supporting leader coalition seems to be the best way to leader now.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous above,not agree with your idea,people will think is his fault.

Anonymous said...

i think this is getting much to far. All TripleSes are not united and doing so much stupid things and gonna make things turn bad soon. Just wait and see.

Henna said...

agreed with anonymous 1:14. there will be something bad going to happen. It is going to far. Yes everyone have the right and have their own opinion but please as a fan think about our 5 men first before going to far. Why not ask leader what should be done. He reads perfect right. Ask him. Does he wants it this way. Did anyone think about his opinion first. Remember we all have the same goals. What is good for our 5 men. Leader does not want SS501 to suffer because of him. Remember when he is at BOF he missed his brothers so much. He even carved SS501 on the ice sculptor.

liezle said...

sorry guys i need to close this topic

when i chose to blog this topic yesterday i have not thought it would be discussed this big.

honestly i don't think there is no right or wrong in each and everyone's opinion here. and i respect all of them. but sometimes it's already getting out of hand that some TS are fighting which is supposed to be not especially at times like this.

so with your understanding i'm closing this topic.
