
Sunday, July 30, 2006

read about this?

hee, another one of those "don't quote me on this" ^^

i got this from kwon sang woo's thread @ soompi. actually been reading this too lately but i just shrugged my shoulders since it's only a rumour but then it surfaced again and it's in ksw thread. KSW [Kwon Sang Woo starred in Stairways to Heaven with Choi Ji Woo] just got back to Korea from a vacation to the US. I read that he has having problem with his management company [Yuri Intl] that is why there are no projects after his movie with Kim Ha Neul and that his mother is sick. He's been leaving messages at his official message board though.

posted by noid in ksw thread @ soompi ~

Is he [Kwon Sang Woo] joining BOF? There has been a rumor circling around this since April, and this rumor was finally printed in the japanese magazine AERA. It seems to be a rumor more about Song Seung Hun joining BOF after his military service. Reporters just assumed that BOF's next target would be SW and BI as they think its BOF's aim to amasse the top Hanryu stars in their lineup.

I've said i read about KSW but Bi? First time i read this. I know that Bi is doing well with JPYE and that his contract will expire in April next year.

Mr. Fumi once posted that BOF is something to watch for in 2006 and that there are companies afraid of BOF. If this move of acquiring big stars is true, what do you people will react to this especially the korean media?

Btw, I could have posted this in byj thread @ soompi but decided to post here since i may get different reactions from fans. ^^


  1. yea... these names SSH, KSW & Rain have been floating around awhile too... some people are saying BOF will really have a dream team if they join 'em...

    i guess if SJS is happy there, it's only natural that he will share with his buddies about BOF's management style and stuff... and since SSH is also close to wuri yong joon, and if SSH is not particularly attached to his agency, then.... it's just a natural progression, ya?

    as for KSW, he's with a rather young and small setup, i think they value him quite abit, esp since he's quite possibly their starriest star [LDG too of course]... i'll assume they'll do much to retain him. but being rather small and less established, they quite possibly have less clout... so it's still possible KSW considers BOF...

    as for Rain, he's quite close to his manager, no? i really don't know that much. is marissa around? i guess if his manager and also, there's also a mentor somewhere if my memory serves me well... if he too think it's a good move to go over, then Rain will probably consider too? but.... BOF hasn't got that much of a track record managing singing artistes, ya? wonder if they have the right network and the right people to help Rain :p

    definitely, definitely a force to reckon with....

  2. hi bb! i hope that if and when BOF will manage singers i hope that they'll get se7en. love him since i've known kpop and love him still ^^.

    with regard to bi, i know that jype has many plans for him. they're even planning in conquering US market.

    sjs came from a small mgmt company to before bof got him. and it really was a surprise to everyone since he just change from an old one to a new then to BOF in a matter of months. i don't know how BOF did it [acquiring sjs when he just signed up to a new mgmt co.] but i believe that they sure have a way.

    ssh will be out by nov. by then we will probably know though his contract will expire may next year.

    as for ksw, i guess it's just a matter of time before he makes an annoucement. his birthday will be coming soon [aug 5] and his fans will surely want to know what's going on.

  3. when's ksw's contract expiring with his agency anyway?

  4. honestly i don't have any idea when ksw's contract with his agency will expire. but i know that the trouble somehow started circulating during the world cup and that's been more than a month now.

  5. ksw? hmm...ok....not really a fan but ok la...

  6. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I have one thought..

    I wonder if these people when they join BOF..will they think about joining their competitor's (Yong Joon)'s team? And thus, making their competitor, Yong Joon stronger and in control of them?

    ----I am just thinking out Yokee, I don't want eggs thrown at me..maybe something less messy yeah?

  7. If KSW and SSH will join BOF, that will make Yong Joon's company a force to reckon with. I'm sure there will be a lot of comparisons regarding management style of this artist but I trust BOF will adapt to the needs of their talent.

    With regards to Bi, his contract will expire April next year but with the way his career is being managed by JYPE, I don't see him making a change anytime soon.

  8. haha, byjglobal, you really want to know what i think? i think we can be so hopelessly biased sometimes...

    in all fairness, SSH, KSW and Bi are already very well-known.... am not sure about japan, but in asia, they do appeal to a segment rather different from wuri yong joon's :p

  9. hi guys thanks for all your comments ^^

    am i right in saying, whoever joining BOF will get our support? anyway, i'm asking this bec some fans of the other stars i know are against their idol joining bof. according to one bof=byj=hallyu which somehow is true ^^ anyway, i'm wondering will this fans still support their idol if their idol joins bof?

    frankly, i don't know what they [the fans] are afraid of. i believe that byj is distancing himself from the management of bof's talents. and that he is letting mgr yang do the work.

    anyway, let's see...let's wait...sooner or later annoucements will be made soon.

  10. Hmm.... have been hearing this too. I was under the impression that KSW and LDG have some shares in their mgt company.. which had undergone changes last year.

    As for Bi.. I doubt it too as JYP is taking of him well.

    SSH is a possibility as both and BYJ were from the same small agency. And yes, there are many fans who are not keen for their idols to join BOF and it included many SJS fans initially (though I hope that's changed now).

    Anyway, let's see.

    For now, we can see that all the veteran stars that BOF have- BYJ, SJS and LNY share similar outlook, ie, they do not really sort the limelight (though BYJ often has no choice as he is being thrown into it).

  11. wah..the great one has spoken..
    hi tiff how r u? long time no see ^^

    i see what u see.
    i think if those fans stop supporting their idols just bcos of our man..then they r not real fans. for us...we'll stand by him. and we welcome whoever joins the family. rite? dying to see shinhwa !!!

  12. yokee you have plans of watching shinhwa's concert. I'm contemplating on going to their Singapore gig.

  13. Thanks for the rumor. I like it. Hopefully BOF will get both of them - KSW and SSH, and more Hanryu stars!
