
Saturday, July 29, 2006

true or just another rumour

ok don't quote me on this. i just got this from choi ji woo tread @ soompi and i myself was surprised when i read this since no one is mentioning this. though this news came up twice or three times already.


Posted by Beary Bear in cjw thread @ soompi
Taken from

Sources - Liberty Times (28 July) / Sing Pao (29 July)

Well, kiddos. Please note that Ji-Woo's management company, Yedang Entertainment Co, has yet to make any official announcements regarding the actress' next project except that it will be a Korean production.It seems the Japanese media have gone on to speculate that Ms Choi Ji-Woo's next project will see her teaming alongside Bae Yong-Jun in the historic drama "The Four Gods".

Back in February, when probed during her promotional tour for Christian Dior if there was any possibility that she will ever collaborate with Bae Yong-Jun again, the actress quipped "Let us preserve the wonderful memories of Winter Sonata"Now, according to the latest issue of a Japanese publication "It's KOREAL", it seems that there is a possibility Choi Ji-Woo might make her return to the television screen with a role in "The Four Gods", acting as lead actor, Bae Yong-Jun's wife, Soo Ji-Ni (sp?). Besides an introduction of the drama's synopsis and the Jeju Island film site, Choi Ji-Woo's name appeared in the list as a possible addition to the cast."It's KOREAL" is regarded as a credible publication. So many are not dismissing their report.

Filming for "The Four Gods" had commenced some months back but till now, no annoucement has been made regarding the actress who will take on the lead role of the King's wife. There were rumors that Kim Tae-Hee or Ha Ji-Won were being considered, but no fruition in the end.As for Choi Ji-Woo, she is currently on hiatus from filming after her movie "Yeonriji - Now and Forever". The role of the Soo Ji-Ni has to be taken by an actress of strong caliber. An announcement regarding the casting of this lead role will be made by Kim Jong-Hak's Production Company real soon and they assured it will be a surprise.

- credit: -

裴帥當太王 智友夫唱婦隨
裴勇俊、崔智友2大天王天后被賦予搶救韓流任務,日文韓流雜誌「It's KOREAL」9月號刊登劇情人物分析表指證歷歷爆料崔智友也將主演「太王四神記」,極有可能擔任「太王的女人」秀智尼。

韓流雜誌 演員表露餡

可是時隔半年, 最新的韓流日文雜誌「It's KOREAL」剛出爐,封面是1996年主演韓劇「初戀」時的裴勇俊照片,內頁則是詳盡介紹了「太王四神記」主角人物分析,以及濟州島拍攝場景介紹,其中有一格演員表名字竟然登載了崔智友,讓粉絲看了都嚇了一大跳。

天后智友 出線機率高




崔智友俊哥有望再續前緣 - 新劇女主角人選未有着落


雖然能與俊哥合作及拍攝大製作《太》劇是不可多得的機會,但俊哥飾演的太王的妻子秀智尼人選卻一直未定,雖然曾傳過金泰希及河知雲等都曾獲邀演出該角色,但最後證實只是流料。日本韓流雜誌《It's KOREAL》9月號介紹《太》劇時,竟然在人物分析表中表示崔智友亦會參演,而且極有可能演秀智尼一角,令Fans都大感意外。

韓國方面在2月時亦曾傳過崔智友會成為《太》劇的女主角,但她到台灣為化妝品牌宣傳時,卻否認會再與俊哥合作,說﹕「希望大家對我們的回憶就留在《冬季戀歌》吧﹗」不過事隔半年後《It's KOREAL》在演員介紹中加有她的名字,而日本雜誌出名製作嚴謹,故相信他們可能已收到風崔智友將會參演,否則不會如此刊登演員表。




up until now the actress taking the role of Suzeeny has been kept sectret from us. yong joon will start shooting sometime next month. i've been wondering and i've been very eager to know who Suzeeny will be. i know that it was written that some new actress already got the role. hmm, why keep it secret if she's a new actress?

anyway, whoever Suzeeny is, i hope that she jives well with yong joon. she is one super dooper over mega to the max lucky to be paired off with our yong joon.


  1. yea... this piece of news has been floating around for sometime already...

    i didn't want to translate it or say anything about it, coz i guess we never know until it's announced officially.

    and you know how some people feel about the two acting together again... there seems to be two separate camps, those strongly for it, and those dead set against it. so i kept mum about it :p

    but my honest-est feeling is that there's actually quite a possibility. coz if it's really a new face like they claimed, why not just announce it already? why the mystery? so i was thinking to myself maybe... just maybe... after all, it is quite strange that they're so adamant about telling, and coincidentally she doesn't seem to have any new drama/movie...

    actually i don't care either way... haha, what's more important to me is that he's in it... yea, really shallow of me huh?

    haven't seen cjw in period costume, but i guess she should look quite nice in those :)

    well, won't be long now, let's see...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. hi bb! actually i have my apprehension in posting this. and i was even thinking whether to post here or at byj thread @ soompi. the former won though obviously ^^

    the mystery on who suzeeny will be really gives us some room to think. if my feeling is correct, suzeeny might not be a new actress. she might be someone well known. i don't care who she will be for so long that she has a good chemistry with yong joon.

    and if it's cjw, i hope those not in favor will just keep quiet and go with the flow.

  4. yea... me too... me too have a feeling that the actress might be someone well-know...

    cjw? well, your guess is as good as mine :)

    hehe, guess if i were you, i would post it on my blog too, instead of the more 'open & public' places :p

    yea... me too hope that if it turns out to be really cjw, those people who just reserve their comments and stuff after they've watched the drama. i mean, hey, let's give everyone a fair chance, ya?

  5. Anonymous3:46 AM

    er...i read this news at a Myanmar forum reserved for Korean stars. They posted a similar old news..but it was the other way around..ha! It was CJW casted in Four Gods but the lead was not picked...and it said that Yong Joon was very interested...the other contenders to act alongside CJW were Kwon Sang Woo, JDG and others that I can't remember. This news was obviously before Yong Joon's participation was officialized. So, now reading your blog, er..maybe this is just a rumor.
    I don't have any preferences as who that Soo Ji-Ni is...but if it is CJW, hey they already have proven chemistry together, right? But, the only thing is this will again be compared to WLS...I hope people will not think of WLS when watching Four Gods.

    p.s. plus, I can't think of any reasons why CJW will not be a good fit for the role. If she fits the bill, why not?

  6. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Thanks liezle for this "news", CJW and BYJ have great chemistry. Knowing how much they supported each other during the filming of WLS, Yong Joon will have an easier time shooting TWSSG.

    However, I also hope that he pairs with someone he's never worked before - a fresh combination. Seems like he's always working with the same actresses like JDY (3 times), CJW (2 times), Lee Na Young (1 times and MV) and LYA (1 time and soon Hallyu Expo). But I guess they need an actress with enough caliber to be alongside BYJ as the King's wife. I trust PD Kim 100%, he's got great taste, He chose Yong Joon, didn't he? Either way, I'm happy!

  7. ginnie,

    actually there're two parts to this story. yea, cjw was mentioned right from the beginning, then she denied her involvement in GKFG.

    then recently, 'fresh' news surfaced again saying she is is the one being cast...

    so let's just wait and see la...

  8. Anonymous12:58 PM


    Yes, just from that "revival" news aspect makes me more suspicious of this news' authencity. I am casting more doubt on this news because this is definitely not anything that hasn't been in the news already. Ha! Yes, what else can we do except wait and see? As usual la...

  9. ok...i'll try to hold on to my comments but can i just say tis? no offence tho really not a fan of cjw. personally i don think she's involved in this. rumors may make it sound possible but nope..i don think so.

    oh..ok ok..i know i know..i better keep my mouth shut b4 somebody throw me an egg :p

  10. Anonymous7:56 AM


    Curious the reasons you are not really a fan of CJW?

    I am curious because people got to know her through WLS and she's good in WLS, no?

  11. hi ginnie..

    i'll babble why..when i get home tonite k?

    hv a nice day ladies..

  12. I've heard about the rumors but I'd rather wait for the official announcement.

  13. hehe, me also not a fan of cjw... :p

    but byjglobal, i said i don't care not in the sense that i really don't care. it's more of i think fans' opinions about what should be paired with him, and who should not... these things should not be key factors for him to consider whether to do a role.

    i mean, professionally this guy's an actor and as fans, we should want him to grow professionally and act professionally. just because i ain't a fan of CJW doesnt mean i will throw eggs or say 'boo' if she does indeed act in this one :p

    yokee.... faster go home leh... quick, go home and babble, ya?

  14. Anonymous8:33 PM you also ar? can you all babble why not a fan of cjw?

    I am neutral about her because all I know about her is from WLS. And she was good there...unless I am wrong about her performance in WLS...

  15. thanks again guys for all your comments. your comments in this post make me nervous. hee, i don't want cjw fans throwing eggs at me for posting this in my blog.

    about byjglobal's question, what do you mean that you don't care? [byj pairing with other actresses]any actress to be paired with yong joon is ok with me for so long that she is good, professional, and has good chemistry with our man. and i trust the director and the producerin getting the actress suitable for yong joon.

    btw, i'm just wondering. has any of you ever thought that yong joon might have a say in choosing the actress he had worked with or will work with?

  16. Anonymous12:44 AM

    I am beginning to get more confused everytime I read comments about cjw...Somehow I think byj fans are too sensitive when it comes to cjw...Are we over-reacting here? If any one of you are not comfortable responding to my question here, that's ok...I don't want Liezle to feel uncomfortable either in her blog. I was just curious that's all.

    About Yong Joon choosing his leading lady..I pretty much think he doesn't care. Or maybe I should say that isn't something that he prioritize...Think he has some say in this but he wouldn't do so. Well...this is my assumption.

  17. Ok here is my 2 cents. First of all, I believe that YongJoon has enough clout that he does ahave a voice in picking an actress if he is interested who it would be.

    With that said. I think in WLS they had chemistry however, I would like him to work with different actresses instead of same ones. It would give his acting a different perspective I think and for the viewer. Posssibly more experienced ones that he hasn't worked with before.

    I would hope people don't compare movie to movie. I can see that in sequels but not in different movies.

  18. Anonymous9:03 AM


    Thanks for sharing your views. ha! You sure set some interesting standards there for his co-stars. I agree that voice and pronounciation is important in a series but I don't understand doesn't really matter to me. =)

    Sorry, I don't know anybody who is smashingly gorgeous and has a beautiful voice...I also don't know anybody who is perfect.

  19. Oh, I don't want to miss this one! :-)

    H is always the last to read the hottest news! Am I late for the train?

    My opinion about CJW, she did very well in WLS, I believe she DID have chemistry with BYJ. Or I would say BYJ DID have chemistry with her. The two are a perfect couple for a melodrama love story. But I am not sure about a historic drama, I can not envision CJW in this type of drama. Maybe she is a talented actress and she can do it, but mostly I doubt the chemistry is still there for the two after what they have gone through shortly after the WLS era. I don't know, purely speculating.

    The chemistry does make some differece, but looking back to all BYJ's works, he did all well no matter which actress he worked with. I believe as professional as BYJ, he would try his best to work with any actress if she is suitable for the role. So I don't worry too much, be it CJW or not. Just don't touch prince's heart, that's it!

    I don't know what I am talking about. So if you girls felt you got lost, be my guest. :-)
