
Monday, September 25, 2006

i hope so...

i just read mr. fumi's post in quilt about korean media reporting that shooting at krygyzstan has been postpone. likewise, annamarie translated in KOB a news from Sports Hankook about the same thing.


here's what annamarie translated [thanks annamarie!^^] ~

Bae Yong Joon's Trip
from Sports Hankoo

This is a summary of the posting by Gwon Oh Kyung post id 34888

Due to complicated planning and process of filming of the Legend, the location film in Kyrgyzstan has been delayed. Good thing is for our Yong Joon to be able to spend Choo Suk holiday in Korea with his family. But, he may be busy filming the Legend even during the holiday. The stars including YunTai Yun and Jo Yun left to Kyrgyzstan as planned, Yong Joon will join them In October. (dates have not been forcasted, noted as mid October only)

Additional translation of the article:

Bae Yong Joon requested to be absolutely perfect in every aspect of the filming of the Legend. Bae Yong Joon expected the flawless in many aspects of the filming in addition to incorporate the work consolidated with other stars such as Moon Sori, Choi Min Soo, Park Sang Won


it's not that i'm being selfish, but i really hope [crossing my fingers, toes, and everything there is to be crossed] that yong joon will be in korean when i set my footprints there in october 11. though seeing him will be next to impossible but the idea of us breathing the same air is already good enough for me. ^^


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Are you planning on visiting Korea?

    YJ might be in Korea around the 11th of October. I had heard that a sister saw him in a gym a few days ago. Hopefully, you'll get to meet him too.

    Like you said, even though you can't see him in person, there are lots of places where you can feel YJ's presence. And Korean sisters say that the weather in Korea is very nice now. It probably will be until the beginning of November.


  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    dear liezle,

    hi, i have postponed my trip, i hope you DO have a chance to meet him....
    i will mail you tonight.


  3. Hi Lieze
    wow, you will go to Korea soon ?
    I hope you will have a chance to meet YJ and to shake hand with him.
    I'm crossing fingers for you lah.

  4. Liezle! I'm so jealous. You're going to Korea? I want to go to. And if you see him... can you just put him in your pocket and bring him over to Singapore? hehe!

    I really, really hope you will have a wonderful trip. Seems there will be quite a few people there in Korea around that time

  5. hello suehan! yes i'm going to korea on the 11th until the 20th with my friends. and i'm so excited already. i heard and read that the weather is getting cooler.

    geez, i'm crossing my fingers that he'll be in korea when i get there. though like i said my change of seeing him is very small just the thought that we are both in seoul and breathing the same air is enough for me.

    take care!

  6. hi there tomato! i got your email ^^ thanks so much. i'm pretty sure you'll find the perfect time to visit baeland again.

    have a great day!

  7. hi hi camille! whoa! shake hands with yong joon?! wow! i haven't actually thought of that! just seeing him at a far away distance will be ok with me. but if ladyluck will be riding on my shoulder geez...i'm getting giddy ^^

    take care!

  8. hello tiff! my first time and i'm really excited. geez, you want me to crush yong joon in my pocket? nah, will surely handle him with care and deliver to you in sg just hope that the immigration will not catch me *wink*

  9. hello byjglobal! the trip is for fun. it's actually an early treat for myself ^^

    will definitely be going to his restaurant. his gym? hmmm i actually do not know the address.

    will try to log on as much a possible i don't want to miss anything in quilt, kob, soompi and baesisters' blog.

  10. forgot to tell you that Ros and Julia from JF will also be in Korea during that time....hehehe!

  11. wow that's great! hope i could see them in gorilla, park bof, bof, tea loft or nami ^^

    thanks for the news tiff!

  12. boohoohoo, why are so many of you going to korea...? i want go too...!!

    wow, you're going for some nine days? that's plenty of days...! am sure you'll have loads of fun! izzit gonna be a packaged tour thingy or free & easy?

    and like what i always say to all fans going to korea: take care, have fun, take lots and lots of pics and come back and share with all of us :p

  13. bb sorry for the late reply. my server just got back to normal.

    our trip is not a package tour but will surely maximize the time we will be there.

    btw, there are some developments in rain's concert. will let you know of it later.

    pictures? surely will share them with you guys.

  14. hee... actually F&E are the best, at least i think so.

    have fun! i wish i was going too :p

    and lots and lots and lots and lots of pics, you hear, gal?

    be safe, be happy.
