
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

yummy on his tummy!

finally my server is back to normal and i can blog again. whew! you just don't know how hard it is using dial up. it takes sooooo long to upload just one photo. i kept on calling the helpdesk support and pestering them to fix the problem. last night i really got mad and told the support staff to address the problem by today otherwise i'll go to directly to their boss and complain their failure to address the problem for 5 days. i think i've made some enemies from the helpdesk support staff. anyway, sometimes you have to be a b*tch and say some strong words for others to know that one is serious with their threats.

i know you've seen the latest photo of yong joon right? and everyone in bb's blog are saying "i love it!" geez, who wouldn't? ok let me say it too here in my blog ~ "i love it, i love it, i love it!"

yong joon looks oh so yummy on his tummy! i hope that there are series of shots from this pose. really love it! very much different from his usual poses which sometimes are not really that good [oppsie, don't shot the writer ^^].

but seriously, there are some poses of yong joon which i don't like. but there are signature poses that really makes my heart race. agree? probably when i have the time i'll look for those poses and post them little by little.

during the time that i was not blogging, there were also photos that came out which i really like. here let me share you some ~

I would love to put a kiss on that cheek. And you know what? I'm imagining him putting that finger on my lips. [liezle blushing]

Love the way yong joon's jaw and chin look here. I really love to press both my hands in his cheeks and give him a smack [hee, i'm blushing again]

sigh...that dreamy look again. wish that i'm that lotte candy ^^

perfect man in a suit. cute ear, don't you think? and i think i looks perfect too ^^

next year i'm pretty sure that yong joon will have to cut his locks after TWSSG. will surely miss this style of him. i hope that he won't go back to wearing those big hairdos. his AS hair is also perfect, it's actually one of my favorite style of yong joon.

photos courtesy of style, yuka and jessica6168


  1. hehe, let me say it on your blog too. i love it i love it i love it.

    and i too love all the pics that you said you'd missed posting coz of the server downtime. and hehe, almost every step of the way, i was nodding and agreeing with you... [esp the part where you said there're some so-called signature poses you don't like. me too, and i suspect we could be talking about the same poses... hee]

    you like his AS hairdo? i thought it could do with a little trim, else yea, that's quite nice. then again, maybe just like what jaime said about his lawn, a man in that condition and situation shouldn't be looking too neat and groomed, i guess... :p

    p.s. betcha you ain't the only one wanting him to put his finger to your lips. and betcha you ain't the only one wishing for that smack :)

    me too me too me too too :p

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    liezle, I totally understand what you mean. I always try to be nice and polite to people but I find that sometimes you have to be loud (or like you said, a bxtxh) to get things done! A complain letter or phone call all the way to the top sure get them to take notice. Haha, I guess your famous name is plastered all over the help desk now! Maybe you can try calling on a different shift?!

    You know what? I subconsciously hope that Yong Joon will not cut his long and shiny hair after TWSSG. I grow to love it so much, he looks so young and sexy in long hair. Besides, what am I going to do with my long hair if he cuts his? Wear a wig 24-7? ;)

  3. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Hi Lizlie..
    love your blog! I think I read somewhere that YJ looks fantastic with short hair, long hair, even no hair! The long hair cuts years off him but I personally like the shorter look- damn his hair never look dry or limp or anything! And yeah -his fingertips are so meeting my approval. he he he
