
Friday, October 20, 2006

already missing seoul...

yes i'm already missing seoul. i wish that i could stay there much longer and explore the beautiful city. the 10-day vacation i had was not enough. i would have wanted to extend, but because of work i was only allowed to take 10 days leave.

i just read tonight that yong joon went to jeju last night. geez, had i known about it i might have camped in kimpo airport and waited for him there. went home early last night to fix my stuff for an early morning flight. geez...sigh...

oh well, probably it's not yet really the time for me to see yong joon. but having gone to his country, breathing the same air, eating at Gorilla in the Kitchen and Tea Loft, setting my footprints in Park BOF and BOF office, and of course visiting Nami island is already an experience that's definitely worth treasuring.

waahhh, i want to go back!

btw, have i told you that i love walking? but do you know that my feet and legs surrendered to too much walking in seoul? geez, the one month walking i usually do in our country is equivalent to a week of walking in seoul!

i'm already in the process of fixing 1/7th of our photos. i will be sharing some them later and will also be blogging about our trip.


  1. welcome 'home' liezle !!

    ur legs surrendered to seoul?
    well..thank goodness it wasnt ur heart that surrendered to seoul.

    some who went there actually left their heart and soul in seoul.

    anyway..will be waiting for ur 후기 'hugi'. dictionary will describe it as postscript but most of the time 후기 is also refer to as 'after event reports' ^^

  2. Hi Liezle, welcome back !
    I'm waiting to see your pics and to read about your trip, as I would like to go to Korea on April next year.

  3. Sounds like a fabulous trip. Can't wait to see your pics and hear your experiences.

  4. welcome back, liezle :)

    haha, i've said that on soompi, on my blog, and finally... here.

    haha, i think i know exactly what you mean about the walking... i used to think that too, there's always so much walking involved when in seoul! and like you, i too like to walk, so long as the weather's not sweltering hot. but the underpass and the meandering passages in the subway stations in seoul are really something else. the outdoor walking's great too, esp in non-summer months.

    how's the weather while you're there? heard this year's abit warmer than normal.

    can't wait to read/see all about your trip. hehe, i think only those who have been through it will really understanding, the killer of writing trip report is not so much in the writing, at least it ain't for me. it's sorting through the pics, doing whatever touch-up necessary, then 'stamping' our blog url on them, and then posting them one by one to our blogs... that's the real killer. but then again, the joy's really in the sharing....

    anyhow, take your time, we'll wait :)

  5. and... yokee's right.

    i'm one of those who had gone to seoul and left my heart there. back in feb 2003. i'd gone back four times since then, but each time i forgot to bring my heart back. in fact, each time, i'd leave alittle bit more of myself there :p

  6. Anonymous12:32 AM

    welcome back liezle,

    i am looking forward to hear your experience...

    oh, i want to go too!!!!


  7. welcome back Liezle! ^^

    Waiting... waiting... waiting.... with bated breath....

  8. everyone, thanks for your greetings ^^

    it's been 2 days since i came back and i'm still not in the mood to do anything. i have not even finished unpacking. yesterday i slept all day and today i was sleep almost the whole morning. i've been dreaming about s. korea for 2 nights now...that's how i miss that country. hopefully i can go back in spring [april].

    bb, the first night was kinda cold. but when we got adjusted to the weather and had been doing so much walking, there were times that we were sweating. but at night the temperature really gets cold especially when we were in namsan. nami's weather was also cold especially when we get there in the morning.

    pretty soon i'll be sharing with you the photos which i took. i love the color of nami in autumn really really beautiful.

  9. hi liezle,

    Welcome back. Go take your time relax and get your bearings and we'll just wait for your accounts of your trip.


  10. hi liezle!

    sorry for this belated WELCOME HOME! I trust that all went well and you have much to share with everyone about your trip. Looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing pictures.

    Take care!!

  11. Anonymous2:34 AM

    hi liezle, sounds like you had a good time in Seoul, can't wait to see the photos :)
