
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

i'm off to seoul...

it's 2am here in our country and in just a few hours i'll be going to seoul with my friends. i'm so excited. my very first time in the land of hot "kimchis".

i'm not sure if i'll have the luck as our other baesisters who were able to see our yong joon. but i'm crossing my fingers. one thing for sure though, i'll be able to see rain (full house). we've already have tickets according to my friend.

ok i better go and hit the bed now. but before that, for those who gave me tips and helped me do reservations...huge huge thanks. likewise to a baesister who helped me with translation. hugs and kisses to all of you.



  1. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Have a fun trip, liezle. Hope you can see Yong Joon too (crossing my fingers for you too) and tell us everything about it.

  2. probably too late for you to see this before you left... but hehe, guess you'll probably try to et online whilst in korea.

    so, luck luck luck!

    have lots of fun!! and hope you see many many many many many stars :p

  3. hello jaime and bb! thanks for wishing me luck.

    i'm already falling inlove with korea. i love it! my friends and i are already planning on visiting again next year.

    talk to you again later guys.

    take care!

  4. hello byjglobal!

    will surely go to namdaemoon and will try dukbokgi. we are about to leave and explore. waahh we are 2 hrs behind our schedule ^^

    take care!

    go to go ^^

  5. Hi Liezle
    have a safe and funny trip, we're all crossing ours fingers for you, good luck !

  6. hello camille! thanks for wishing me luck ^^

    have a great weekend.

  7. I hope you are having fun there! Thinking of you and hope you make a LUCKY SIGHTING!

  8. Hey!!! I am so happy for you. Have fun...

    When you come back I hope I can give you something for this blog to make you post more entries about Joonah. :)
