
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November Dates

After yesterday's 3 new photos of Yong Joon, today, baeland seems to be a little quiet again. I believe that we'll be going to have to wait for more photos later.

Geez, Quilt is down once more after working for few hours last night. Probably it's server problem again. I'm guessing that the server can't handle too much request for access [especially last night when the photos and news came out]. I hope Quilt will be back soon.

But tonight Gaulyeoja posted news update from Jeju in KOB but I can only decipher very little from the updates using babelfish translator. I'm pretty sure bb, will be posting later in her blog the translation for those updates. In the news it seems like an 88 year old fan (?) visited and Yong Joon was able to greet her. ^^

Btw, in 3 more day someone from BOF will be celebrating his birthday. So Ji Sub will be turning 29 (30 in Korean calendar) on November 4, Saturday.

His official fan club Youngsosa will be having a birthday celebration for him on November 5 at Seng Kyun Kwan University, 600th anniversay building, but it's still not known yet whether Ji Sub will be attending or not. I hope that he does since many members of Ji Sub Addict, a forum with members mostly are english speaking fans, will be there to attend. JSAs will also have a dinner at Gorilla on November 4. A Korean member, Saturn, has already made reservation for 17 pax.

Though Ji Sub has been in the military for almost 2 years now (he will be out on Apr 27, 2007) he has been constantly communicating with his fans and would post his photos in his official website. Today, he posted another photo of him.

Image Hosted by
notice how long his fingers are?
he captioned this photo as "first day"

The following week after Ji Sub's birthday, BOF and Ji Sub will be celeberating 1 year (basing on the press release) of partnership. I still can recall the day when it was announced that Ji Sub has became a member of BOF Family and that his contract is good for 3 and a half years. I believe that I'm one of the happiest person on that day and it was such a very nice present for me. ^^

Before i end this post, there's another happening a week after the 1st anniversary of Ji Sub under BOF. Song Seung Hun, Ji Sub's best buddy and "might" one day be a member of BOF Family too [i'm crossing my fingers and everything there is to cross], will be released from his military duties on November 15 and will have a fans' day on the 18th the same day of the wedding of actress Jang Shin to Wee Seung Chul, So Ji Sub's marketing manager.

So many dates to remember in November. Whew! But none really for our Yong Joon. But like what i posted earlier, I'm hoping that he could attend the wedding on the 18th and see him together with all the other BOF men.

1 comment:

  1. JiSub's birthday is coming soon... Gosh! I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me. Hahaha!!! What a lousy fan have I become? *Pokes self*

    Gotta make a good graphics for him :)
