
Thursday, November 02, 2006

thanks to robyn!

edit ~

oh no! robyn i need to replace my template once again. i can't view it properly using my computer here at home. = ( as i told you i'm using firefox at home and IE at the office.


like my new template? it's a gift from robyn a.k.a robyntulips @ soompi.

i've known tulips for about 2 years now and she is a fellow filipina. we became cyber friends through yong joon and ji sub threads at soompi. then some fellow filipinas at sjs thread decided one day to meet in Starbucks 6750 at Makati. and there i saw the very sweet robyn with her mom. she hibernated for a while because of work and studies. from time to time she still goes to soompi and drop a note or two here in my blog.

when i came from my trip to korea, i got an email from her with the attached template for my blog. isn't she so sweet?

anyway, robyn i really really appreciate your gift to me. see i'm using it now ^^ *hugs and kisses* hope to see you someday.


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    hi liezle!
    im mymy, and im also a filipina but i live in Japan now (to study :).
    i became a fan since i watched Endless Love 2 in GMA (that is when i was still in the Phil).
    i was a silent reader of Eng-Bae-Blogs for about one year and here i am decided to go 'out'. :-)
    i always enjoy your postings!
    maraming salamat!
    i love your template, robyn is so talented.
    btw, i was from Pampanga!

  2. hello mymy thank you for dropping by my blog.

    wls started it all for me too and it's been going on for almost 3 years now. ^^

    wow i envy you that you are in japan. that's one country that i want to visit to someday. but that means that i've to give up my next planned trip for next year. ^^ i started to get interested in visiting japan when i got introduced to j-drama about the same year as wls, smapxsmap (takuya) and tacky hideaki. ^^ a filipina friend was there about 2 months ago to watch smapxsmap in concert.

    hey so you are a cabalen. i know several people from there too because of my work. likewise, a good friend of mine who is a diehard jpop addict is from pampanga ^^

    take care k? and see you around baeblogs and sites.


  3. Liez, you need to use the other file I sent you. The byj_liezle.rtf cos that's the correct code. :)

  4. hey robyn! did it appear correctly this time? hee, been doing this and that i hope i finally did it right ^^. but currently i'm using IE need to see the final later product later when i get home ^^

  5. Yes... This is a the one. Hope this one works with mozilla. Hay!!! It would really be a waste not to see Joonah here. :)

  6. It's already 9pm and I can still see the template... Does this mean it's working with mozilla now?

  7. hey robyn! just got home ^^

    i only can see half of the top photo. can it still be adjusted? sorry for the trouble.

    have a good weekend.

  8. hey liezle, are you referring to your blog template here? i don't see any YJ pics leh :(
