
Friday, August 10, 2007

Posters and Schedule of TWSSG

TWSSG which will be aired on the 10th of September finally released its posters [i'd really like to believe that this is final ^^]. By now most baesisters have already seen the poster of TWSSG. For the benefit of my non-baefans [you know who you are] who visit my blog, here are the 2 posters.

I'm sure all baesisters have already set in their calendar the airing of this much awaited drama. Again for the benefit of those who are non-byj fans here's the schedule ~

10 September, Special program consisting of making, interview of actors etc.

11 to 13 September, 1 episode everyday, and,

every Wednesday and Thursday 21:55-, 2episodes every

:: thanks to tomato99 for the translation of the schedule ^^

Btw, this will be shown in MBC.

For live streaming you can watch here and here [just click mbc]

And for episode downloads [clubbox] with subtitles [srt], i think that WITHS2 has already lined this up as their next project. You can check D-Addicts for this.

For episodes summary, i hoping that my favorite drama blogger will do it. I'll just post the link here when she does it.

But of course i would have love that all koreans [byj fans or not] to watch this 24 episode drama on tv and NOT on line so that ranking will not suffer. The same with the japanese family. (^^)v

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