
Thursday, August 09, 2007


it's been quite a while since my last post here. ^^ nope i didn't abandon yong joon, nor i lost interest in him. i'm just too lazy to update my blog^^ but i'm very active in soompi updating the thread of yong joon and twssg.

seen this photos yet? these were posted by style in byj's quilt and posted by 권오경 [kwon oh kyung in KOB. i don't want these photos not posted here.

though kinda thin, yong joon is amazingly sexy with long long hair and unbuttoned shirt. btw, according to style these photos were still shots from his honorsville cf.

i loooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee these photos! and i love yong joon [blush]

plain and simply S-E-X-Y


though shot from quite a far distance, he still does look gorgeous

i loooooovvvveeee this messy hair look! gggrrrr....




[his royal handsomeness, his royal hotness]

and here are photos from honorsville ~~~

these shots are nice too but i would have love them if they let his hair down ^^

hey take notice of the poses, they're his signature poses ^^

his not wearing any pinky ring ^^

check above pic...big shoes ^^ they say that a man with big shoes also has big .........................................feet (^^)v gotcha! what are you thinking (",)

could the necklace that his wearing is still the 'rockstar'?

sshhh, he's sleeping. poor yong joon.

i love this one above and the one below too ^^


  1. Anonymous11:52 PM

    hi liezel!
    YJ's forum in soompi is soooo wonderful, thanks!
    see u around!

  2. hello mymy! thanks for appreciating. now that you've set your footprints there i think that the thread will be more wonderful. ^^

    please do visit a lot.

  3. Anonymous12:17 PM

    he is definitely worthy of every drool in me. LOL
