
Saturday, August 30, 2008

[Notice from BOF] In appreciation of celebrating BYJ’s birthday

i'm really glad that BOF is now able to give notices on 3 languages [korean, japanese and english]. it only means that they are aware that yong joon has many english speaking fans as well.

thank you so much BOF!

here's the english version...

[KOB notice] In appreciation of celebrating BYJ’s birthday
posted on the English Notice Section of KOB

Greetings BYJ family members,

First of all, we wholeheartedly appreciate your sincere and supportive greetings on BYJ’s birthday.
Your warm hearts and prayer for BYJ’s health and happiness made it a meaningful day for BYJ.

Thank you for your everlasting support for BYJ.

Autumn has come in Korea. We hope every day is splendid and memorable for all of you.


Best regards,



and here's the translated Korean version

[Official Notice] We greet you in time for Mr. BYJ's Birthday!

korean to english translation by Joanne on BYJ's Quilt

Dear family, How are you? This is BOF.

We thank dear Family's sincere heart and love sent from everywhere in the world in time for Mr. BYJ's birthday, with our true hearts.

As (BYJ) could feel dear Family's warm hearts of praying and wishing for Mr. BYJ's health and happiness more than anything, It seems to became a deeply meaningful day also for Mr. BYJ, being able to feel preciousness of dear Family more than any other time.

Asking to send unchanging support for Mr. BYJ's endless challenge and effort also for the future, we give you a greeting of appreciation once again, for dear Family's congratulation filled with true heart s.

Autumn drew near before we were aware of it.
We wish all of dear Family to have bountiful Autumn days.

Thank you.

Respectfully from BOF.

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