
Friday, August 29, 2008

unique birthday message for yong joon

it's yong joon's birthday today and i'm sure he's getting tons of presents and greetings from those who love him. in byj thread @ soompi, visitors of that thread also posted their message to him. i'm actually in the process of collating them and in a matter of minutes will be posting all the messages and artworks in kob by fans from asia and USA. one very unique message from one of baefamily in soompi is from Tamar who lives in San Francisco, California and who resided in Chuncheon a few years back. here is her message to yong joon with an opening title...

Happy B-day BYJ (Be a Tourist in Your Own Country)
by Tamar [San Francisco, California]

i really really hope that yong joon will be able to read this. i'm certain that he will like this. ^^

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Thanks for featuring my video on your page! : )
