
Thursday, December 18, 2008

yong joon grabbed a girl!

finally suehan did the translation of the caption that happily posted on byjgallery and shared it on byj's quilt. thanks so much suehan!

i wonder how it feels to be grabbed by yong joon and be given a photo secretly. ^^


[News Photos] BYJ at Kyobo Bookstore
Reposted by Shushu nim in byjintoronto, and she blurred the name of
the original poster on the signed picture.

I was refused to take pictures of him, and was almost
refused to get an autograph from him as well.
But he turned around and said, “Excuse me.” and he held me.. haha.

He gave me an autograph secretly at the corner of Kyobo Bookstore

I felt like I received Royal grace.

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