
Thursday, December 18, 2008

[photos] yong joon @ Kyobo bookstore

happily shared this set of photos on byjgallery.

the story of these photos was actually translated and posted by suehan on byj's quilt last dec 12. i'm reposting this story just in case there are some who might have missed reading this in some other sites.

[Trans]BYJ is visiting Gangnam branch of Kyobobook now.
Original in Korean: Yongjoonhyeongsalinmiso (iris)/café byj
Translated into English: suehan/byjintoronto

BYJ is visiting Gangnam branch of Kyobobook now.
08.12.12 16:22

I thought my heart had stopped.
He has been here for about one hour.. from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
He is wearing a hat, sunglasses, and jeans.

He is with his managers!!!
I have seen him a lot; he has been right under my nose.
He is going down to the subbasement..

My body is shaking..
I would like to get his autograph, but I don't have any pictures of him.
According to the female staff, he comes here sometimes.

PS1. He bought 1 mil won worth of various kinds of books including books on wine. ^^

PS2. According to a male staff member, who loaded the books into his car, he said to him, "Thank you." personally. He said that he was kind and gentle. Of course..

PS3. His manager politely refused to allow autographs because it might have interfered with the shopping and would have made a fuss.

PS4. But, he autographed a girl's picture of himself.

PS5. I was sad because i couldn't call him "hyeong" and pretend to ignore him. However being a fan, I didn't want his shopping experience to be uncomfortable.

PS6. But, I think it was absolutely right for him to have signed the girl's picture because only the truly devoted fans carry his pictures around.

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