
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kim Hyun Joong Guerrilla Date

rKBS 2TV KHJ's 'Guerrilla Date' where Kim Hyun Joong was feature is finally on YouTube. ^^ Check the 6 minutes 11 seconds video of fun and cuteness of Hyun Joongie.

Here are some of the highlights from the interview. Heaps of thanks to oc-ca of KHJ thread @ soompi for the details.

1. massive crowd following the crew- they even asked a female fan if she likes KHJ or her boyfriend and she choose KHJ. her bf was standing right there too! [liezle : i wonder how the boyfriend felt]

2. simply irresistible expressions on him on the wheel droppy thingy ride (dont know what it's called) he asked the pd not to edit the pixs out and air as is. and they DID. [liezle : i think he always feel bad when things got edited in some of his interviews ^^]

3. khj honestly says he didn't go to during his school years - well documented- but gives word of advice to other youths that he is a case of winning the lotto that tens of thousands try his path and fail. he thinks the more practical thing to do is go to college. [liezle : really nice of him to give encouragement to the teens. i really do believe that eduction is very important. entertainment career i think is only good while it lasts. i think if he has a choice he would still want to pursue his studies.]

4. sweetly says his mom used to sigh when she thought of him (during those tough teen years) but now is just concerned for him bc he is so exhausted. and his sweet response: "it's a good time to be exhausted, mom". [liezle : really really cute and sweet. i'm sure his mom almost got a nervous breakdown while he's in his teens. khj is still very young. i hope he won't take work so seriously and still will find time to enjoy life. i think despite all the troubles that had happened when he was in his teens, i'm sure his parents are so proud of him with the way things are now. he's keen determination and perseverance is making all things possible for him]

5. people shout out jihoo more than hyunjoong from the crowd. his own name feels foreign now. [liezle : he's really getting very very popular because of BoF. and like what i mentioned earlier, his popularity as a solo artist is also helping SS501 a lot.]

6. his dream is to hold a free concert for 10 million people [liezle : i hope that he realizes this dream together with SS501... and i want to be part of this!]

7. he was last at the park with a mask on - i believe that was with hwangbuin in wgm! [liezle : Joongbo in WGM rocks!]

8. he studied the character by reading the manga- we know how he loves his manga! [liezle : oc-ca mentioned that she thinks that what he was reading in one episode of WGM (the mosquito episode) is HYD.]

9. he's still learning to act so he doesnt know how to fake things. in the scene in 7 (or 8, i forget exactly) where he is frustrated bc he cant drive and hitting the wheeldrive, he hit it so hard he caused damage of 2,000,000 won. [liezle : that's how intense he is in acting ^^. in my book, khj is already doing very well as a neophyte unlike what others think]

10. for future projects he humbly states he's not in position to be one dictating so if someone has a good project please submit it to his management company. [liezle : i want to see him on the small tube again though i know he misses performing with SS501. i hope it won't take that long for us to see him acting again.]

11. lastly he ended the interview by singing i'm stupid!!!! [liezle : so adorable]


  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Thank you for the clip and your comments. He's cute but sincere too.

    How proud his parents would feel for their son....I thank his parents for sending this adorable boy into this world so many people feel happy and can laugh due to him.

  2. hi!

    hope he won't change. he's so adorable. i hope we can get from him a dose of laughter everyday. ^^

    thanks for dropping by.

