
Sunday, March 15, 2009

[Trans] Yong Joon's 'Secret' 2-Week Stay in Japan

Huge huge thanks to lynnzhoulily for sharing with her translation of the article from Shukan Josei on BYJ thread @ soompi.

But before proceeding here's a disclaimer from lynn:

I've read this article on Loveyoonjoon, and felt it is really good to share with all the sisters, so here it is! Since it's been translated from Japanese to Chinese, I am afraid there might be some errors in my trans. Some of the expression or meaning may not be that accurate. Please forgive me. thx.

(Trans) YJ’s ‘secret’ 2-week Stay in Japan
Original: Japanese Magazine “女性自身”(March 24, 2009)
Japanese to Chinese: Snowkin/
Chinese to English: Lynn

Some undisclosed details of his stay in Morioka

“When I was 20, I began to learn lacquer craft art, and also, I’ve participated in the Restoration project of Meguro Gajoen (目黑雅叙园), but none of those had ever drawn much attention to the public. Whereas after YJ had stayed here for a week, my place became very popular all of a sudden.(Laugh). He stayed and dined with me for a week.” Answering with all smiles on the face was Mr. Chong YongBok – the lacquer craft artist who lives in Morioka , Iwate Prefecture.

The actor Bae YongJoon has been fascinated with the traditional Korean lacquer craft art. He came to Mr. Chong YongBok for his desire to learn this craft art. Around noon time on Feb. 26, BYJ together with other staff arrived at Sendai Airport ‘secretly’ .

It took Mr. Chong 3 years to finish the restoration project in Meguro Gajoen – the Japanese culture heritage which makes him well-known in the world. And also his Iwayama Urushi Art Museum is the largest one in Lacquer craft art.

As stated by Mr. Chong “I met BYJ for the first time on Dec. 9, 2008 at my acquaintance’s house. Before that, I thought as a person who has a very high popularity, BYJ might be arrogant, but things turned out totally different. I was amazed by his humility. We had a long conversation which last almost 3 hours.”

BYJ’s initial purpose to meet with Mr. Chong was to make an interview, to collect some information for his travel book “The Beauty of Korea” (Temporary name). But at the end of the interview, BYJ expressed his intention to learn the lacquer craft art from Mr. Chong.

At that time, Mr. Chong told BYJ:” I am not easily to take anyone to be my apprentice. If your intention is to improve your acting or just for your experience of this art, I will decline your request . But if you are willing to learn the essence of this art and devote yourself to this art, I am more than happy to accept your request.”

After knowing BYJ’s outlook on life, Mr. Chong was greatly moved and accepted his request immediately. He told BYJ: "From now on, I will not call you as “BYJ ssi”, will just call you “YJ”.”

Just like what Mr. Chong promised, When he speaks of BYJ during his interview with the magazine, he eliminated the honorifics which shows his intimate feelings of YJ.

Mr. Chong told the reporter: "To be honest, my wife is a fan of BYJ. I thought she would be very happy to know that I’ve accepted him as my apprentice. But after knowing the fact, my wife gave me a very disappointing expression by saying that since she is BYJ’s fan and if I don’t use any honorifics, then she has to address him like her son."

During his stay in Japan, BYJ has created 12 lacquer craft arts most of which are lacquer paneled work. By sacrificing his sleeping time, BYJ totally devoted himself to his work.

YJ visited the Jodo Ga Hama(净土之滨)in Miyako . Which appeared in front of him was the Sanriku Ocean with the coast Aspen-style. By using its image, BYJ has created his work “ The Morning of the Ocean”.

He also visited the local market. Holding his camera, BYJ strolled in the neighborhood. Luckily enough, nobody had noticed him.

On the day of March 4, it began to snow from the early morning until noon in Morioka. At 1:30pm, Mr. Chong took BYJ to visit Chusonji (中尊寺)。 Founded in year 1124, the National Treasure - Konjikido (The Golden Hall金色堂) has been decorated with the finest oil paint. BYJ has expressed his wishes to visit it, so Mr.Chong took him there. BYJ had visited the Main hall which is decorated with Oil paint and golden leaf, the altars and also he had paid his respect to the Lords.

It is said by the Monk who worked as the tour guide for BYJ that on the day when BYJ visited there, there was a lecture on Tea Ceremony being held in the tea house beside the Main Hall. BYJ participated in the lecture and enjoyed himself in the Tea Ceremony for about 30 minutes.

In the ceremony, BYJ told the others that it was the second time for him to taste Maccha (Green Tea) in Japan.

A young Monk said YJ is quite familiar with the etiquette of the Tea Ceremony. After taking a sip, BYJ said: "The flavor of Maccha left in the mouth tastes really good" and then expressed his wish to have a second cup. After that, BYJ said:” I don’t want to lose the flavor of Maccha in my mouth, is it proper for me to leave those refreshments?”

“BYJ is such a prudent person, it’s our pleasure to have such a nice visitor” said by the same yong Monk.

“Although he had only stayed in Morioka for one week, BYJ has learned the craft art diligently. He is not an actor BYJ, he is the lacquer BYJ. He will continue his study in this craft art” said by Mr. Chong.

On the night of March 4, BYJ took the Shinkansen(Bullet Train) to Tokyo.

On March 5th, BYJ visit the Meguro Gajoen (目黑雅叙园) which Mr. Chong has participated in its restoration project. On the night of the same day, he appeared at Gosireh.

As stated by a fan that at 5:55pm, YJ came to Gosireh. A silver Mercedez parked in front of the entrance and there he came. There were about 50 fans waiting outside and BYJ greeted and waved to them with smiles.

Wearing a black knitted hat, a sunshield and jeans, BYJ stepped into the restaurant. He dined at the VIP room on the 2nd floor. A female customer who was dining on the 2nd floor said: "BYJ looks very relaxed and gentle. It seems that he has enjoyed himself freely this time. He bowed to the customers several times. He looks more humble this time."

BYJ also visited the kitchen located on the 3rd floor to greet and encourage the chefs. Seeing him so approachable, one male customer in his 50s said: "Although he is really a tall person, but you can not realize it because when he was walking on the hallway, he was bending himself purposely in order not to cause any inconvenience to other customers".

Around 10:00 pm, after spending 4 hours in Gosireh, YJ headed back to hotel. There are around 200 fans waiting outside who formed a 30- meter line from the entrance of Gosireh to the main street to see off him.

Some staff said "BYJ feels very sorry for not being able to greet his fans publicly during this stay."

In this private visit and learning of lacquer craft art, BYJ has experienced the leisure and harmony which makes his visit very meaningful.

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