
Monday, March 02, 2009

New Screencaps from SkyPerfect 3rd Version Making

the 3rd version of skyperfect cf making is out and already posted on byjgallery by makishi. sorry, can't post here the link. we're not allowed to. the video is more than 9 minutes...and since it's from daum, it takes forever to buffer.

i don't think there are many stuff that we are missing though. anyway, rinrin made screencaps of i think scenes we haven't seen yet. here they are.

hmm, since i haven't seen the video yet...only the first 2.29 minutes, i really don't know what made yong joon do this.

filming is done...


  1. Anonymous7:31 AM

    how i miss BYJ right now... hmmmm
    hope he will be back soon..

    Thanx a lot liezle for those cute picture..hehe.. take care ya!!


  2. hi! you're not alone in missing him. thousands of us miss him so much. i hope that he'll soon wrap up his book project and will let us know of his drama or movie project. can't wait to see him on small or big screen once again.

    take care too!

