
Monday, March 02, 2009

F3 Radio Interview in Cool FM

In my reply to Camille in "Hyun Joong Sings "Because I'm Stupid" Live in the Restroom" i promised to her that I will upload the radio interview of F3 in Cool FM. Honestly I'm also having a hard time with Daum. It takes so long to buffer. But since I've a long patience i managed to wait for it just to listen to the interview.

Well Camille, here it is as promised. Thank so much to Mariposa28 of KHJ thread @ soompi for sharing with me the link.

F4 on cool FM.mp3 -

i'm reposting here again bits and pieces of what was said during the interview. again thanks to deeta for sharing these in soompi.

- Hyun Joong is not attractive to girls like Geum Jan Di
- He was asked who amongst the F4 characters he likes. He said that his character, Ji Hoo because he's quiet and doesn't like to fight.
- As for the ending of BoF, he wants Seo Hyun, his first love, to come back and Jan Di and Jun Pyo to be together in the end.
- The interviewer asked him to promise that he would come to her radio show for his first radio show after the broadcast of BoF end. Also, she asked him if he could bring the rest of the F4.
- He was asked to say things about F3. click here to read.
-Then Kim Joon is on the phone. He said his greeting. Kimbum was on next, he said 'I love you' to Hyunjoong. ^^


  1. OMG, my dearest Liezle, thank you thank you soooooo much, you're too nice !

    It's so heartwarming to hear him laughing like that. If you could see me, I'm smiling from ear to ear when I hear him singing and laughing.
    Even if I don't really understand what they're saying (hehe I only recognize some words) but it's really worth listening.

    Thanks again and a big big hug to you my dear Liezle.

    Ps : Hearing him laughing like that brings me back to the WGM time. I miss the 4D boy, Ji Hoo is too sad for me.

    Pss : I love love the part when he says things about F3, especially when he called "Bum ah", too cute!
    His humour is really something !

  2. hi camille! i'm so glad that i made you smile. ^^

    he really seems to be charismatic whenever he's around people especially when he starts to talk. he seems to always bring a smile to everyone.

    i've a feeling that after BoF we won't be seeing him in any dramas. but i'm sure that he and the rest of SS501 will have many tv guestings in gag shows and music show.

    i hope that after BoF he will still consider appearing in TV dramas. i would really love to see him 2 times a week for 3 months. ^^
