
Monday, March 02, 2009

[Video] Cute F4 and Sweet Hyun Joong

Remember i blogged last Friday how cute and funny F4 keeps on bowing when they entered the hall during the 45th Baeksang Annual Awards? Here is the CLIP from YouTube from a fancam.

There's a bonus!

At 1.08 minutes, Kim Hyun Joong is approaching someone at the back...HIM MOM. The sweet Hyun Joongie even gave his mom a hug. ^^ I really really like that public display of affection. He is so adorable.

About Lee Min Ho, i think he was telling the guys about his fall at the Red Carpet. He seems to be starstruck, nervous and amazed all through out the video. Probably because this is his first big event that he attended since debuting. Thanks to BoF the boy is finally recognized.

Btw, is Andre Kim their host? Hehehehe, he sure seemed to be escorting them from the video. Hee, and it's known that he fancies the F4 especially Lee Min Ho. ^^

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