
Friday, April 03, 2009

[KHJ] @ the dressing room

These are photos from the dressing room of Kim Hyun Joon during the prep for 'Goodbye Yoon Ji Hoo' event last 31st of March.

There are more and i'm just posting few of those that i like.

so serious while his stylist is doing his hair.
the AIG on his jacket caught my attention. ^^
when he goes to the state he's not supposed to
wear that. taxpayer will surely give him the "bad look".

being prep by his stylist.
geez, i sometime envy stylist job.

about to take medicine for his throat which has been
bothering him on the day of the event.

the star of the night being interviewed
and congratulated by the media

this one is obviously not from the dressing room.

enlarge to see that his sneakers have wings ^^

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    why would the taxpayers will be angry at him because of his jacket?
