
Friday, April 03, 2009

Scanned Photo - KHJ

Thanks so much to andie39martinez for sharing these clear photos of KHJ from a magazine that featured BoF.

i love all the shots of Hyun Jjoong in this mag, they're priceless.

from Seoul Fashion Week

BTS from episode 24... doing some stretching...

trying to relax his shoulder...

hmm, internalizing for the next scene?

i really really miss seeing hyun joong's WGM physique. he was just so darn sexy in all episodes. btw, i wish that the PD of BoF has given Yoon Ji Hoo some scenes where they showcase some of his flesh. That would have been really really nice since fans will not only be drooling over Gu Jun Pyo's half naked body but as well as Yoon Ji Hoo. Though in episode 1 there was a scene of him half naked but that was only a few secs.

i wonder if the one above and this one below were part of BTS from BoF. they're definitely new photos because of the short hair.

enlarge the photos to see him sleeping [1st column 1st photo and 3rd column 6th photo]. poor hyun joong. btw, he was supposed to check in at a hospital yesterday to get treatment from he car accident he had last february and get some rests but haven't heard/read any news yet. well, i hope he's already resting and getting enough rest.

BTS from episode 24 of BoF. taken from the fishing village.

credit as labeled

p.s. i just read this...

hyun joong was rushed to a hospital today after fainting on set while shooting a commercial. i know that they have plans of checking him in a hospital today after finishing all his commitment, right? but did he really fainted again?

p.p.s. just read too that Kim Joon got hospitalized after taping from MusicBank.

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