
Sunday, May 17, 2009

KHJ Hotsun Chix Pix Spaz

Probably if I'm only in Korea right now, I would be feasting with Hotsun Chicken and would be joining the promo to win a date with no less than Hotsun Chicken HOT model Kim Hyun Joong.

Hotsun Chicken is running a promo that will start on May 18 to June 30. For every purchase of one whole chicken, customer is entitled to a coupon. Customers with coupon can register at Hotsun's official homepage. The top 70 customers with the most number of coupons will have a chance to date Hyun Joong at Hotsun Chicken JikYoung outlet at Gangnam on 04-July. They will also have a chance to win Hyun Joong's signature and have a photo op with him. It is said that Hyun Joong will personally grill the chicken and serve. ^^

Ha ha! It will surely be a mouth watering and juicylicious date.

photos lifted from

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