
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Most Viewed Scenes in 'Boys Over Flowers'

Mnet showed Legend of F4 last Thursday. Shown in the one hour special are BoF clips, individual tv guestings, shows, public appearances and cfs of Kim Hyun Joong, Lee Min Hoo, Kim Bum and Kim Joon.

One segment of the show [Part 3/5] showed the Top 3 Scenes with Highest Viewing Rate. Would you believe that all 3 scenes has Yoon Ji Hoo in it? Well, actually this is already an old news, I've the data in my draft since March but failed to post it until now that I've seen a video. I'm too lazy to make screencaps ^^].

Here's the Mnet video to find out what are the to 3 scenes/moment with the highest viewing rate in 'Boys Over Flowers'.

Top 3 Scenes with Highest Viewing Rate
1. When JH and JD was outside of the museum. (42.9%, episode 18)
2. The scene at which the JK, JP, JH, JD met after JP saved JD from drowning (42.8%, episode 17)
3. When the scene where JH took away JD's mop and comforted her (37.1%, episode 16)

Funny how many JunDi shippers find Ji Hoo - Jan Di scenes unnecessary when the numbers say that most of Ji Hoo and Jan Di scenes [record is until episode 19 only] were most viewed.

To know the other most viewed moment in BoF, below is the list [taken from BoF thread @ soompi].

  • When JP's minions harassed her after she changed in the locker room. (25.8%)
  • When JH and JD waltzing in SH's welcome home party. (29.7%)
  • When JH arrived at the pool seeing JD kneeling to SH. (22.5%)
  • When the Shinhwa student flipped JD's bike (24.3%)
  • When JP convinced JD and GE to board the plane to New Caledonia (27.0%)
  • When YJ went to JH's house before the competition (27.4%)
  • When JH won the car race against JP and JD and GE were celebrating (25%)
  • When JD and JP went to the japanese restaurant and were met with delicious sushi (30.6%)
  • When YJ played the saxophone (33.2%)
  • When JH went to the gas station to find JD (34.5%)
  • When the model guy that kidnaped JD revealed his identity (35.5%)
  • When YJ and WB blocked JH to go out in the snow to find JD (34.7%)
  • When F3 saved JD in Macau and JH wiped JD's tears (34.1%)
  • When JP and JK fought over shoes (34.6%)
  • When JK bit JP's ear after being dragged out (36.2%)
To watch the rest of Mnet's Leged of F4 here they are.

Part 1/5
Part 2/5
Part 4/5
Part 5/5

thanks to shinfmusic for uploading in YT


  1. Hi Liezle,

    Love all your updates...been peeking in and out.
    I'd like to ask, do you mind if I put you [ur blog] in my blog roll ?
    Don't want to miss anything he he..
    Hope you say yes.
    Love, myoce

  2. Hello myoce! Thanks for setting you footsteps in my blog. I also go to your blog and enjoy reading your entry about Yong Joon and Hyun Joong. ^^

    Hey, no problem go ahead, include me because I'll be doing the same thing as well when I get home. ^^

    See you around.

