
Sunday, May 31, 2009

SS501 in E Star News

This interview of SS501 with E Star News was aired on NTDTV yesterday May 30 [Sat]. I happen to see the video tonight on The boys were interview by E Star staff during their Le Coq photoshoot back in April. Check the video out because I find them entertaining [as always].

If the video doesn't load quickly, click HERE.


  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Thanks for sharing...
    Just an observation: Leader's expression was so serious and doesn't seem too happy when the question on naming of "SS301" was posed the unit team! He's just so innocent and sincere with his feelings! Very adorable...

  2. you're much welcome Anonymous. ^^

    yeah i noticed that too. i wonder if baby felt the change in mood because he seems to be making him smile. ^^

    btw, thanks for dropping by.

