
Sunday, May 31, 2009

[Videos & Photos] SS501 off to Hawaii

Fan videos taken at Kimpo Airport today, 05.30.09. How come all of them are in suit? The boys will be in Hawaii until the 4th of June to do attend a fan meeting [with Japanese fans] which was arranged about 2 months ago according to DSP and i think other activities as well.

Kim Hyun Joong Only

credit to skypoem


credit to hoonfami

credit to uploader

here are photos of KHB and Young Saeng lifted from

^credit as labelel


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

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  2. Liezle, are you sure it's Kimpo airport and not Incheon ?
    HJ seems tired, I hope the boys can rest a little bit and at least enjoy thier trip in Hawai.
    Ah, man in black !!!

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    it's true xD
    my friend saw jungmin at ala moana shopping center XD she's soo lucky.
    But thats great their here ^^

  4. camille, got you email. thanks dear. ^^

    yup it's kimpo i checked again. they're just so awesome in black. but still i'm wondering why their wearing suit.

    oh yea hyun joong looks tired. the boys i think are doing so many activities lately and with their concert coming up, release of their new album, dance rehearsals, tv guestings and trips i hope that their body can keep up with all the demands.

    enjoy the rest of the weekend dear.


  5. hello Anonymous! I read at soompi that the boys arrived safely in Hawaii and there were about 15 fans to welcome them. The fans were able to give a lei only to Leader since the manager is said to be very strict.

    btw, you're friend is so lucky! ^^

