
Friday, June 19, 2009

Random : TFS

Lately my blog has been flooded with Kim Hyun Joong and SS501 news [as well as some other stuff]. Well, that is basically because there's nothing much to report on Bae Yong Joon lately. Though we know what is keeping him busy [travel book that he is writting], news about his projects are hard to come by. Even news about 'WLS Anime' which is said to be airing next month are limited.

Sigh... like what I said, it's hard to be a BYJ fan. You've to have a lot of patience. I've been a fan since 2003 and I've been through [together with a lot of baefans] a lot of awaiting. But hey, whenever he comes back all the waiting is worth the wait. Though somehow, the waiting will be less. ^^

Anyway, this post is actually for the following photos from TheFaceShop that I lifted from BYJGallery which style posted. But since I'm occupying this page with a BYJ related post, I just thought of writing the above. ^^

I've been curious about the eco-theraphy product of TFS since it came out. But honestly I haven't gone to any TFS stores lately though we've several of them where I'm at. I hope I'll be able to check it out this weekend. ^^

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