
Friday, June 19, 2009

SS501 Solo Collection MV Teaser #5

Whole week of teasing!

Monday Kyu Jong surprised us all with 'Wuss Up'.

Hyun Joong showed us on Tuesday why he is Hot with 'Be Nice To Me Please'.

On Wednesday, Hyung Joon teased us with some sexy dance moves with 'Hey G'.

Thursday, Young Saeng serenaded us like an angel by singing 'Nameless Memory'.


Jung Min teases us this time with a ballad song just like Young Saeng.

I hope that every week is like this ^^

Here's Jung Min's teaser MV. The title of the song is 'If You Can Not'.

thanks to hoonfami for the video

Btw, I noticed that he has the same background as the MV of Hyun Joong.

He looks mightly good in white and that voice can only be Jung Min. But amongs the teasers that were released this one seems to be the simpliest. Though this is the only MV that showed two scenes from the drama MV that we've never seen in the other teasers.

Again, anticipating for the release of the full MV and album.

Here are screencaps lifted from

SS501 daily dose this week was full of anticipation. Exciting, right? I feel that I've been spoiled big time by those sexy dark attire, semi goth style, heavy eye liners, sexy dance moves, sweet sounding voice, fierce acting and mature sounding music. Not to forget overload of yummlicious looking young men.

Next we will be looking forward to the 2 parts drama MV which will be coming on the 22nd and 29th of June at 5:01 [Korean time]

thanks to blackclip for the screencap


  1. Hi Liezle,

    This is the 1st time I see Jungmin as solo.. I never know, even him..killed me.

    5 of their teaser are so great, that it can't be erased from my mind now. Although is just a minute of part of their full song but it sure gonna stay in my mind for a very long time.

    They had make me LOVE them more.. This changes in them really,.. oh i really dunno how to express my feeling towards them and this album.. hehehe. It's good.. i'm really out of words to praise them..

    hehe, Jen ^.^ (I dunno what am I writing here, gone cuckoo)

  2. never under estimate sexy charisma. ^^ he sure has a unique appeal.

