
Thursday, June 18, 2009

SS501 Solo Collection MV Teaser #4

#4 is out!

And I thought I'll be next week. ^^ Could Jung Min's teaser be out tomorrow?

After Kyu Jong, Hyun Joong, Hyung Joon it is now Young Saeng who is going to tease us with his new song 'Nameless Memory' which is said to have been written by him. ^^ Smexy Young Saeng, right?

So far amongst the teasers that have been released, he's the only member who's not wearing dark but have you noticed that his scene seems like the saddest?

thanks to YuDubu1 for uploading on YT

Here are screencaps from shinhwa_n_choua too for you to enjoy this page. ^^

You want to be teased more by the rest of the members of SS501? Click their name and you'll be direct to it.

Park Jung Min...will be teasing us very soon. ^_^

p.s. how come I've this feeling that the 20 minutes drama MV will consist of all their solos and that they'll just incorporate some drama scenes in it.


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    My sentiments exactly regarding the 20 minutes MV drama consisting of their solos ^.^ nevertheless I'm looking forward to it. Our boys have all grown up and trying new things which is really cool!

    Thanks for the updates & links. I come here often.

  2. wen06074:56 PM

    Hi liezle

    Always thanks for your updates^^
    I enjoy so much and feel it like a home...hehe ^^
    Look forward to their ORIGINAL albums to be released! >.<

  3. Liezle,

    The way they release all this teaser.. yeah, it's a tease on us.. waiting everyday to see what's next...hehehe.. But is worth waiting. And will continue to wait till the Original Album is released.

    Now I thinking what would JM MV like? Would it be the sexy part of him? Each of them show their own personality.. hehehe.. Curious. ^.^

    Well, YoungSaeng again kill me with his sentimental lovely voice.

    I can't stop praising them.. GOOD WORK GUYS! I wish i can tell them personally....

    Thanks for sharing.


  4. m!ss tota8:39 PM

    Hi liezle

    i love your blog i wake up from my bed to your blog :)

    thanx for your hardwork to enjoy us

    but Liezle can you help me

    how can i get the original album ??


    * dear Lizle my english is not very good
    i am sorry for any mistake :$

  5. hello Anonymous! ^^

    You also feel the same way? Anyway, like everyone else, i'm looking forward to see the drama MV. We will definitely be seeing a more mature and versatile SS501.


  6. wen, than you for always dropping by and leaving a note.

    i read in YT that the album will be released in YesAsia. I hope that it'll be released the same time it'll be released in S Korea.


  7. Jen, I've a feeling the Jung Min's MV will be out tomorrow. I'm kind of wondering too what kind of MV he will have.

    In the earlier photos releases, Jung Min was said to be the lover of the girl that HJL fancies and HJL is out to kill him. So I'm guessing that JM will have a ballad too just like Young Saeng.


  8. hi m!ss tota and thanks for dropping by.

    like i wrote earlier, i read in YouTube that the solo album will also be available in YesAsia though i'm not really sure about this. I checked YesAsia and what I saw there is the SS501 Solo Album being sold in Taiwan. The content is very much different from the SS501 Solo Album that we are all going crazy about.

    Anyway, if there are any news about where to buy online, I'll gladly share them here.

    btw, no worries about your English. I can understand you clearly.

