
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another Video from Starry Night [the skit!]

This one is much longer than the previous one I posted earlier. It's 2.46 minutes. ^^ Young Saeng is soooooo cute here. ^^

Thanks to shirbogurl21! I knew that she'll be uploading this real quick that I've to edit my earlier post in just a few minutes.

SS501 Skit on Starry Night
lifted from shirbogurl21

Now, waiting for subs ^^. I want to know what the skit is all about that everyone is are trying hard to contain their laughter. ^_^

Here are few screencaps from the radio show that Mariposa posted on KHJ thread @ soompi and stayfreemymisery and ang3lzz on SS501 thread @ soompi which they lifted from Baidu. Much thanks guys!


  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    hey, thanks for sharing so much information of ss501 (: really appreciate it (:

  2. wen060712:25 PM

    Dear liezle, thanks for your sharing the clips :)
    I had a hard time last night...
    My home pc giving me problems
    I actually installed the player from MBC but not successful...
    So I missed the LIVE programme!

    Anyway, appreciate you, hoonfami & shirbogurl21 for the clips^^

    Thanks a million >.<

  3. mel_12234:00 PM

    Thanks Liezle,

    I actually managed to watched it live after Jen helped giving me instructions how to install it, though at some points it was buffering quite abit and the screens kept hanging..

    But it is the first time I seen the boys LIVE in a program and the feeling was AWESOME!

    Jen also found out from MBC site that they do record the sessions and we should be able to get a recorded full session of the boys fr there soon! ^^
