
Friday, July 24, 2009

SS501 @ MBC's Starry Night [07.24.09]

Just like what I wrote in my previous post, SS501 was the guest of Park Kyeong Lim on her radio show [10pm] MBC's Starry Night @ 95.5Mhz.

Here's the 20 seconds video I was mentioning a while ago that hoonfami was able to upload fast on her channel. See Young Saeng [who is so cute here with his dimple showing] saying 'I Love You' 4 [5?] times in high pitch while Hyun Joong is smiling handsomely beside him. ^^

Here's SS501 souvenir photo for the radio show which I lifted from


  1. wen060712:28 PM

    I was told from Jen that HJL looks very handsome and happy in the programme... gosh! I missed it! >.<
    Anyway, from the screen caps, I could see he looks very happy~

    Thanks again Liezle^^

    p/s: Did you get my blog link? Just wondering....
    I have enclosed my blog link to you already , please check^^*

  2. hey there wen!

    sorry for the very late reply. i got your blog link and added your blog to the lists of blogs and sites on the right side of the main page of my blog. ^^

    thank you once again.

