
Friday, July 17, 2009

caught on cam

Hmm, let's see if what I think is correct?

After seeing Hyun Joong yawning, you felt like yawning too? Or did you just yawned? ^^ Hee, honestly I yawned. ^_^ Not only once but several times whenever I see the photos of him yawning.

Poor Leader, he seems so sleepy, right? Actually in the KAC event last Monday, HJL was not caught once but twice yawning.

The first one was before SS501 [photos above] accepted the trophy given to them by KAC as the Ambassador to the Korean Airports Corporation. The

The second yawn came after the SS501 were given flowers then seated again.

Ahh, poor Leader. They must have practiced for their concert until wee hour in the morning and didn't get much sleep.

But hey despited the lack of sleep how come he still look so handsome. Ha, if that had been me, I think that I would have looked like a panda in all my photos. ^_^

photos lifted from khj0606
original credit on the label


  1. J_Girl1:28 AM

    lol good catch Liezle! How can someone look soo incredibly adorable yawning like that!! It's little things like this that makes me sooo attracted to him lol

  2. you know, as much as i do think he's incredibly cute yawning, it also kindda crossed my mind that it's a bit rude....?

    yea, yea, i know it's probably not something you can control, but it IS something you can try not to be so obvious about.

    i asked myself this, if i had seen another actor in the exact same situation, what would i have thought? would i think 'oh, he's so cute'? would i think 'oh, poor thing, he must have been working hard and long hours, and not getting enough sleep'...?

    seriously, i don't think it'll be those thoughts that will cross my mind if it were another actor. i would probably be thinking something not so positive.

    of course, ain't saying that being sleepy or tired is a crime or anything THAT serious, but it's still not exactly a nice thing to be caught doing when you're supposedly one of the key persons in the event, ya? especially when you're sitting out front and being watched and photographed by the media all the time...

    shrugs... just my two cents.

    thanks for sharing, liezle!

  3. Anonymous4:31 AM

    poor leader ...... i felt really sleepy after i seen this photo .....

    liezle , do you know that any of this boy have any girl friend or not ?????

    please answer me ..... its really necessary for me

  4. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Hello bb,

    haha,u sounded like u are so scared all Leader's fans will "attack" you from saying such comments.

    no worries, i get what you mean n i aso agree with your point. Leader should have been more discreet with yawning like using the flowers to cover or pretend to tie shoelaces etc..heehee, like how i always try to fake too!

    Guess it's much more impt to show professionalism when you are in such official events that are also covered by news media, not just entertainment reporters.

    Yeah, nevertheless, maybe Leader's someone who just wanna be himself, and doesn't really care how people see him as long as he knows he's doing his best for showbiz.

    Leader fighting!!!SS501 fighting!!hahahah~~

  5. Hello, we are preordering Kim Bum and Kim Hyun Joong merchandise!All under S$20!visit for more details!We are preordering Shinee 1st photobook and please be mine photobook!Super junior and SS501 merchandise too!

  6. wen060711:04 AM

    Thanks liezle for sharing those photos of Hyun Joong ^^

    I feel heartpain to see him lack of sleep, kept on yawning~
    Poor boy~ hope he really have enough rest before the concert in Seoul start on 1st and 2nd August.....

  7. While I agreed with bb that it is not so polite for leader to do that during an official event especially when he is is always the focus of the media and photographer but leader is a person with 4th dimention who does not usually hide something behind the camera, he just being "truthful" anytime in all his aspects ha ha, agreed bb and Hui_7 ?

  8. hi everyone!

    bb actually when i first saw the photo last monday i actually thought that it's not a nice so shot of leader considering that this is an event where they're being awarded the ambassadorship. my first thought was that he must be so bored. I was actually kinda worried then that media might attack his behaviour. common if it's been yong joon i'm pretty sure it'll be in all news paper, right? i hope that this won't happen again. ^^

    thanks for dropping by. ^^

  9. Anonymous12:52 PM

    YEahh...byj, my exact sentiments about leader being 4D..hhaa..i think he's just being very real n that's good in the entertainment industry. however, reporters might not be so nice all the time, still think they must be careful lor..yeahyeah~

  10. hello Anonymous. ^^

    I actually heard that they have [except for one] but nothing really is confirmed. but if they really do have girlfriend I'm happy for them since they've someone to share their ups and downs aside from their family and friends.


  11. It appeared that Leader can get away with yawning while gracing an important event because people know of his eccentricity or popularly referred as 4D personality. Anyway, that makes Leader unique and a stand out from the pack.

    Still looking hot even when sleepy!

  12. i think we will have to agree to disagree on this topic.

    no matter what the justification is, i still think he should have made more of an effort to try and hide, if not suppress, the yawning.

    it was simply an occasion that called for more respectful (and yes, more respectable too) behaviour. yea, as 4D as he is, he is 24 and four :p

    and, honestly, i don't see how being 4D justifies or explains the act of yawning. yea, he's real and true to himself and all, but still, one can't just do whatever one desires, isn't it?

    anyway, hehe, i shall not talk more about this... liezle has been so very nice to provide such a platform to share and to exchange our views and thoughts :)

  13. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Liezle, I wonder you could help spread the news of voting for HJ at SEOUL DRAMA AWARD 2009 at your site. Thanks.

  14. J_Girl10:46 PM

    When these pics first came out I have to admit I was a bit surprised he was just bluntly yawning like that in front of all those people, but then I realized he ALWAYS does that it variety shows, interviews or press conferences..this boy just can't control his yawns for some reason..So I guess I've became so use to seeing him do that it didn't faze me too much. 4 out of the 5 have are rumored to have gf's? Interesting..I always assumed maybe 2 or 3 of them did but not 4. I kind of have an idea who doesn't..that person is really picky! Would probably need to clone himself and turn it into a girl in order for him to be satisfied LOL

  15. springs9:50 PM

    ohh... my dear brother HJ.. now, i just want to hold you and give warm hug..and want to protect you from all kind of attack...

    my feeling after reading all these comments...just worried and sad.. nothing to say or add in on the topic..
    i am just sad to see it that these comments come from his fans.. now i worried ppl who not like him, how much will they talking bad about this... now i just feel like want to protect him and give all my strength... being celebrity is really not easy especially when u become more and more pouplar.. i totally understand all fans concern on it... i am sure he will be more careful next time...
    i wish he will be happy always no matter what and i really believe SS501 will sure be world star in future...
    anyway, no matter what and how other attack them, SS501 is always in my heart... SS501 fighting!!! we will support all group and individual performance...=)

    Liezle thanks a lot for always sharing..:-)
