
Friday, July 17, 2009

Quick News on Bae Yong Joon & Mgr Yang

I had a busy morning and it's only now that I'm checking all the regular sites that I visit everyday.

I actually read this news yesterday but didn't quite took it seriously until I read the English translation of lynnzhoulily which she shared on BYJ thread @ soompi.

source :
Japanese to Chinese by snowkin / loveyongjoon
Chnese to English by lynnzhoulily on BYJ thread @ soompi

Snowkin on loveyongjoon shared that according to, BYJ has begun a life in seclusion till the end of Sept. Before his Japan trip in this Sept, BYJ will focus on his travel book for the final stage and he will no longer be available by cell phone. Only one manager will accompany him and if there is any emergency, he will be able to get connected through public phone.

I guess that Yong Joon is already in the final leg of the book that will be published in September. This also means that there'll be less news about him in the coming days.


Some might ask, who is Mgr Yang? Mrg Yang is one of the Directors of Boundaries of Forest [BOF] and a close friend of Yong Joon. The reason why I'm including him in this post is because there's this news going around Bae community that Mgr Yang is going to get hitched on August 21.

What's the big fuss, some might ask? Well, it just so happen that in Bae community, Mrg Yang is the 2nd most famous man. He's nice, young and quite handsome. He's also friends to many other stars too.

With the news of him getting marriend, there are rumours that there is a tour company that organizing a tour for the important day of Mgr Yang and that the tour is already sold out.

I'm sure many Mgr Yang 'fans' are quite shocked to read this news. I wonder how they're taking this. ^^ Hmm, Yokee do you still visit my blog? bb, 'your' mgr yang is getting hitched. ^_^ Only Yong Joon is left.


  1. Hi Liezle this is shienyin, friend of Yokee. I have been trailing you and bb's blogs ever since i get to know SS501 few months back cos both of you always have the latest infor. So with Mgr Yang getting hitched i guess our Yong Joon will think for himself ?

  2. bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

    when i was reading ur post i did not think u will say something that at the end of the post. u really made me laughed. i dunno whats bb's reaction but i laughed hahahahahaha !

    but first let me correct u...he IS a good looking man and like u said about kyu jong, he is much better looking in person ^^ r we taking it? well since it is not something 'new' to us we are of cos happy for him but we are just 'upset' why we werent invited to the wedding :p

  3. hello again shienyim. ^^ thanks for always visiting my blog.

    you know what? after I learned about Mgr Yang getting married soon the next thing that came to my mind was Yong Joon. Will he be the next?


  4. hey there yokee! honestly there are 3 names of fans that came to my mind when i learned about mgr yang getting married. you, bb and frances. ^^

    actually, i've learned from one so ji sub fan that mgr yang is better looking in person and really really nice. ^^ one good catch is gone again... hehehehe.

