
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

celebration, gold record and compassion

Okay, don't be surprised this is another scheduled posting. ^_^

It's amazing how the Taiwanese fans embraced SS501. They even made their 2 albums gold! The Taiwanese fans surely made an impression to SS501. They'll forever etched in their hearts.

Much much thanks to SS5014ever/rj for again translating another long article and sharing on Quiante.

Please when reposting this news, give proper credit to the translator and source/s


06/30 [news] SS501 holds celebratory press conference, comes to Taiwan to show their compassion with fans

Credits: Warner Music Taiwan + (English translation) SS5014ever @

On Sunday (28th June), after SS501 successfully held their fan meeting at Taipei International Convention Center, SS501 who were missing food from their home country, went to famous Korean BBQ restaurant "Longevity" to hold a celebration dinner; the 5 big boys who cured their longing, very happily said "Thank you" to the staff of their Taiwan record company, and also said they'll continue to work hard, shouting "Fighting!" together.

SS501 sign a deal with Warner Music Taiwan to release their albums in Taiwan and the whole of Asia, and to let fans first revise all the classic songs of SS501, who made their debut 4 years ago, they specially released 2 albums, "Superhits CD+DVD" and "1st solo album", on 26th June, part of their monopolizing Taiwan plan; due to enthusiastic response during pre-order, once the albums were released, both albums immediately won the honor of Gold Record! And on today's (29th June) press conference, Warner Music's Greater China region General Manager Wang Pei Fen also presented the Gold Record to SS501, this record sale is said to be a new record among the Taiwan release of Korean artistes records!

SS501's first visit to Taiwan, and they showed their compassion together with their fans! A total of 1000 spots were opened for fans, and each person only had to pay NTD100 to take a photo with their idols during the fan meeting, the total earnings of NTD10000 were fully donated to United Way Taiwan; United Way Taiwan's donation ambassador Wang Yong He will also be attending the press conference, and accept the compassion of SS501 and their fans on behalf.

The press conference will also be hosted by Ken Wu Jian Heng, who was also the host for the fan meeting, both parties already have a certain amount of understanding, so during the Q&A activity where members poked fun at each other, all the members of SS501 were rather open, and the press conference was full of laughter; the 5 boys who've already been in Taiwan for 3 days have already learned many Chinese words, "Yes, yes, yes", "I love you", "You're very beautiful", "Are you courting death?", "Crazy" etc. Park Jung Min who was poked fun of most accepted the present - "Big cup of Taiwan beer", despite being poor at holding his liquor, he readily agreed to finish the cup of beer, exclaiming it was delicious! Also, SS501 officially announced that they'll be starting their Asia Tour from August, Taiwan's concert is scheduled to occur between October and December.

At night, SS501 boarded Cathay Pacific's flight CX531 that departed at 8:20pm, going on to Hong Kong, their 2nd stop for the Asia Tour fan meeting; it's estimated that about 600 fans went to see them off, and due to fans being overly-enthusiastic, leader Kim Hyun Joong almost fell, while his clothes and bag were almost pulled off; the wooden handle on the steps leading to the 2nd floor of the airport also fell off! But the 5 boys were very thankful to the fans' enthusiastic support, and before passing through customs, they specially walked next to the glass windows, and waved to their fans through the glass for 5 minutes, the fans also enthusiastically screamed and hit the glass in response, causing other tourists who were also present, to look on in curiosity, and filming it. Before leaving Taiwan, SS501 also promised everyone, they'll definitely be back in Taiwan before the year ends, and asked the fans to please wait a little while.


  1. mel_12239:56 AM

    Thanks for the news!

    Wow, Gold Record immediately! SS501 is really on the way to its fame n fortune around the world! I am so happy and touched for them, they hv came a long way, gone through alot of hardship. More will be coming for them too and this seems to be 'THE YEAR' for them, really hope they start off with a Big Bang on their Asian Tour all the way down to Msia n Sg :-)


    The Taiwanese fans r really superb! haha..even the wooden handle fell off?!! wow...the guys must hv a scare..

  2. Wow.. so proud of them...
    They are GREAT!!!

    We can make it happen here as well in Malaysia..Come to us..ahhaha

    Thanks Liezle


  3. quizzy2:41 PM

    gold record! wow im so happy!!!

    "leader Kim Hyun Joong almost fell, while his clothes and bag were almost pulled off; the wooden handle on the steps leading to the 2nd floor of the airport also fell off!"

    this is huge!hope he didt get hurt after all!

    thanks liezle for the fast updates!

    have fun in there... an take a lot of pictures!
