
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Few More Photos HK Airport

Yup it's another scheduled posting.

Shared by eully on KHJ and SS501 threads @ soompi. Original credit is on the label.

These were taken in HK.

He gained a bit of weight, right?

The boysI think can't believe the crowd at the airport.

What could Hyun Joong be writing?

The eyes of Prince and Leader are smiling.
They're probably happy to see so many crowd again.

Chubby cheeks Kyu.

JM really really is looking good in this trip. ^^


  1. mel_122311:07 AM


    How many more times do you want me to die in a day? LOL

    I was scrolling fr the top and thought..ok..this is still controllable..HJ looks really's Kyu..but both just does not hv that effect on me..until i scroll to the last pic!

    Haha, hv to agree, JM does looks superbly good in these outings! I may just hv to get my anti-faint medications when he comes over to msia ^^^

  2. mel_122311:10 AM

    Hey, but dont let my comments above stop you from posting anymore of his pics here! haha...i'll really die then :P

  3. Hi Liezle,

    Wow, you are really hardworking updating us. Thank you so much. They always still look good after flights.. I sure look like a sleepy dog getting of planes..eheheh

    Those sweet smiles of them, really melts all the fans heart.

    Oh... Where's my little Baby HJ??? Please don't left him out, again.. ^_^

    Anyway thanks for updating even u are flying off...Really appreciate it.


  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Thanks for prompt update ...I can't get enough of news relating to Kim Hyun Joong and you are the best in publishing new pics, videos, and news ....really appreciate it

    Because of BOF, HJ gained more fans in Philippines and because of him, SS501 is starting to get known there but of course ...HJ is still the best!

  5. quizzy2:43 PM

    i cant say anything now.. im really out of words..

    but liezle.. just keep posting!

    thanks a bunch!!!

  6. wen06073:32 PM

    Thanks liezle for updating before you board the plane to HK....
    Really touched! ^^

    You always brighten our days with all the photos :P
    Thank you very very much! >.<

  7. Anonymous7:58 PM

    hey hey!

    check out 《娱乐百分百》,《完全娱乐》30/6 episode on youtube or today's Chan U and SCV ch 56! got the guys on news! ard the last 10 min...though is short clips of their tw fanmeeting and press conference, but i guess we wun be tired from seeing the same stuff again n again! heehee.

  8. "JM really really is looking good in this trip"

    I AGREE 120% !!!!! ..again

    and why havent u gals update me on anything yet? what r u ladies doing rite now? jumping on cloud 9 with bb? aahhhhh!!~~~~

  9. Anonymous11:27 PM

    hi liezle,

    thank you so much for your updates. anyway, i just want to ask if there is already a schedule for their concerts? will they have a concert in hongkong? when? i am from the philippines and i want to see ss501 concert. hehe! hopeto hear from you. thanks! =)
