
Saturday, July 04, 2009

Few photos ^^

My vacation is almost over and i'll be home in a few hours. I'm in Macau Airport right now using the free wifi to upload somem photos that I took. I know this is incomparabe to the others i've seen already. They're beautiful!

Btw, I wasn't able to tell you that during the photoshoot I was in between Young Saeng [who's holding hour country's flag and Leader! I was able stare in there eyes. I was able to say hi to Baby and Mal too!

Only a few minutes were allowed for us to take the photos with the boys. I wasn't able to see Kyu Jong because the Japanese fans all wanted have their photo taken with them. But after the photo was taken and Young Saeng was returning the flag to us, I told him it's his already then he said thank you. Then I was told that during that short convo Kyu was looking. ^^ Leader on the other hand when i touched his arm to say thank you he turned and give me the most beautiful smile. I touched Baby's back and said bye too and he also turned to say thank you. Same with Jung Min but he did his thank you so sweetly. He turned his seat i think 45 degrees. ^^

The boys are so wonderful and adorable.


  1. Can u please put your photo of you and ss501 took the pics ....and also for the last pic who is the person they carrying?

  2. hello tifftay!

    i'll be able to download the photo tomorrow. the fan that jung min is carrying is one of the winners from the drawlots. she was the one picked by jung min and she carried her! lucky lucky lucky girl!

    bye! we're boarding!

  3. quizzy9:40 PM

    hi liezle,

    wow.. that was really grat..
    you are so lucky!!!

    will be waiting for your posts...
    take your time :)

  4. Wow, Liezle,

    Thanks for updating.. you must have real fun... hehehe


  5. mel_122310:34 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    Thanks for posting all the updates while you are still there^^. It must hv felt soo good to be so near to the boys and to be able to look at them in the eyes.

    And yes, the fan whom JM carried is so lucky! Have a safe trip back :)

  6. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Dear Liezle,
    You are really the sweetest person to think of us and update us while you are at the fan meeting and even when you are on holiday. It's wonderful to hear that you had a great time with the boys and was able to interact with them. From your account, they really seemed such sweet and sincere and that's why we are all swooning over them. Have a safe trip back and will be back to check your updates and pics ^.^

  7. yes, have a safe trip back and cant wait for your full update about the FM. i know you are away on your holiday but still cant help myself from drop by your blog everyday. thanks in advance!

  8. Anonymous12:26 AM

    hey! ^^
    wow! so lucky!!
    can take photos with them too! ahh!
    haha (: take care!


  9. wen06072:20 AM

    Sorry I'm late~
    These few days, there are so many updates.....gonna to become blurred~
    Anyway, thanks liezle for your kind sharing ^^
    We will look forward to the photo that you took with SS501^^
    May I know whotook the photo for you?
    So they allowed to use own cameras?

    Really envy so much and sure you gals had lots of fun!

    Take care and see you^^


  10. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Thanks for all the updates about SS501. I really enjoy visiting your blog. Have a safe trip.

  11. Anonymous2:55 AM

    oh, can you please let me know who's the man in black (was he also carrying the lucky fan with JM?) and why did YS look so surprised in the last pic? Thanks!

  12. hi ms. liezel..
    i just want to thank you for being very generenous..
    i learned a lot about my idols, SS501, because of your everyday blogs..
    i'm just really amazed that a fan like you is sharing this kind of infos to the others..
    please continue to do blogs about them..
    THANK YOU SO MUCH to YOU and for your credits..

    ~patricia paragas, philippines
