
Sunday, July 05, 2009

I'm back!

Thanks everyone for visiting my blog despite no updates for the past days. Our flight was delayed due to the heavy rain in Macau.

I browsed the posts for the past days and will reply to everyone later. ^^ You're all so wonderful.

I'm going to surf first and see what I have missed. It seems there's a LOT! Wow!

So I'm back to blogging. ^^

I will upload more photos later that were taken by my friends and videos. Btw, I've taken many photos but I tell you... it's so hard to have steady hands when they boys are on stage. It's either you watch and stare at them or miss a lot. Hee I guess you already know what I've chosen most of the time, right?

Oh yeah, after seeing them... i love them more!


  1. welcome back liezle! It's nice to know you're back ..been missing reading your updates on KHJ and SS501 members but it is also good to know you had bast in your vacation ^_^

  2. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Hi Liezle,

    Were you in the group pic of this Soompi's Post #20932 (between leader HJ and YS)? The fan girls were so lucky to be on stage and up close with the SS boys.

    Can't wait for your updates.

  3. Anonymous3:50 AM

    here's the link to the group pic...

  4. Hello liezle,

    Thanks for the update :) Rest well too! Jungmin is really very active and he's so funny from the videos i saw. *envy* I hope they come to singapore!!

  5. mel_122312:14 PM

    Good to hear you had a safe trip back Liezle!

    Ur trip there must hv been super amazing.
    Hope u have a good rest after this, looking forward to see more news bout the boys here. Btw, do post the pic where u hv taken with them too! :)
