
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

First S. Korea's Supermodel Likes HJL

Again, much thanks to xiaochu for sharing this news on Quiante501.

I'm pretty sure Hyun Joong is flatteed by what Lee So Ra has said. Geez, women of all ages seems to like Hyun Joong. ^^ Ha! Who woudn't?

07/13 [news] Lee SoRa “Go after Kim HyunJoong if I was 10 years younger”

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Lee SoRa expressed her special feelings
for singer SS501 Kim HyunJoong.

Recently through appearance in MBC Yoo JaeSuk Kim WonHee’s “Come to Play – MC Queen Special”, Lee SoRa chose Kim HyunJoong in the section “Ranking 123 as I like” for the question “The guy I would go after if I am 10 years younger”.

She also revealed an incident of how she struggled to be able to see Kim HyunJoong. Lee SoRa said inducing a roar of laughter, “In one event where I was the judge, SS501 came as the guest. I wanted to see Kim HyunJoong so much that I went to the dressing room even though I am not required to and asked ‘Is Mr Kim HyunJoong around?’”

She added “Kim HyunJoong was not in the dressing room, but I met SS501 along the hallway and I was so surprised that I entangled my own step. However, Kim HyunJoong is still not there.” After expressing the regretful incident, she said “Finally I was only able to see him on stage singing and disappointedly ended the event.”

But seems like the real incident happen after the event. Lee SoRa confessed “On the highway back to Seoul, I chanced upon the car which SS501 were in and out of urgency, I said ‘After them’”, making the other guest concentrated on hearing her confession.

‘Come to Play’ MC Kim WonHee will also join as a guest for this broadcast of MC Queen episode. Lee SoRa, Noh SaYeon, HyunYoung, etc will display their magnificent eloquence. Did Lee SoRa manage to meet Kim HyunJoong? The answer will be revealed on 13-Jul, 11.10pm through ‘Come to Play’.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Yay! another fan of Kim Hyun Joong!! XD

    Thanks for sharing ^^
